. i the author’s heirs. On this occasion, the ma nager, on the suggestion of a poet, gratified the public feelings at the conclusion of the piece, with a solemn ceremony. “ On an urn, at the extremity of the stage, was written ( S amsoe .’ Melpomene leaning over it, uttered, in a plaintive voice,—‘ He is * tio ?nore .’ To which the Genius of Time replied,—‘ His memory lives.’ The awful still ness of the scene was here interrupted by a spectator, who, rapturously exclaimed,—‘ The ‘ inemory of Samsoe will livefor ever!' The sound, like electricity, spread throughout the house, and an enthusiastic repetition was universal and reiterated. “ It has been proposed to erect a monument over his grave, with this inscription : ‘ HE WROTE DYVEKE AND DIED.’ “ Nothing more forcible and concise could have been imagined, to recall to the memory of every admirer of the sciences, the loss they have sustained. It was his first attempt in the dramatic line.
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