In the edition of the posthumous works of Samsoe, Professor Rahbek * concludes his biography thus : “ On the 30th January, f the clay after his interment, his Dyveke was brought out at the theatre, and obtained a degree of approbation, which not only justified, but even surpassed, what rumour had previously said to its advan tage. Successive representations have strength ened, and there can be no doubt, will con firm, its merits. On the third night, the re ceipts of the house were for the benefit of * Mr. Rahbek, formerly Professor of belles lettrcs, at the the University cf Copenhagen, is editor of the Minerva Monthly Journal, which has flourished for upwards of fifteen years. He also publishes a paper weekly, called the Danish Spectator, composed of miscellaneous matter, the nature of which will be easily understood, when 1 say, the author and his able coadjutors, have from its commence ment, unvariably pursued that maxim of Pope’s,—
“ Eye nature’s walks, shoot folly as it flies, “ And catch the manners, living, as they rise.”
+ The J8th and 29th of January are the birth days of the King and Prince Royal, in honor of which, a new dramatic piece is always brought out on the weekday sub sequent.
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