he apply his talents, that he was a rational and pleasing companion on any subject. Sometimes, indeed, I have heard him acquit himself in a manner that would not have disgraced a pro fessed scholar. He was a politician too, but with one very rare talent, no warmth of argument prevented him from discriminating when to talk, and when to be silent. He never fati gued his hearers. It was my custom to join in celebrating his harvest home, and I enjoyed peculiar satis faction in looking on the many smiling coun tenances around me. This feast is held the first Sunday after Michaelmas. All who have assisted in gathering the crop assemble to be merry, and forget the toils of the field. Good eating invites hilarity, while cheerfulness and innocent mirth crown the day. When I reflect on the pleasures I here par took of in the early past of my life, I grieve to think those happy days are past, never to re turn ; I love to dwell on the remembrance of what I then enjoyed ; my claims were small, and soon answered; but I have found, the
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