$r\ iHead-quarters, before Copenh. Sept. 6 , igop* ■ ' ' S ir ! :\ 7 Haying communicated to Admiral Gambier your Letter received this morning, together with those of last night, I have to acquaint you, that, we will consent' .to .treat with , you for the capi­ tulation of Copenhagen, on'the basis of your de­ livering up the Danish fleet. But as you have not forwarded articles of capitulation, Officers' of rank, in the sea and Land service of his Britannic Majesty, shall be sent forthwith, to prepare articles with you, or. .with-the Officers you,may appoint, and which, may, if possible, unite the obje&s you have in view, in regard to the occupation of Copenha­ gen, with the performance of the service entrus-, tes to us. ' i , (Signed).. ’ 5 v;/■ C a t h c a r t , Lieut. Gen. Hi* Excellency Major-Gen. Pejunann, Com- 5'mander in Chief of his .Danish Majesty’s ' , Land Forces,' Copenhagen. * M r Lonn! , ■ I accept of your proposal with respedl; to the delivering up his Majesty’s fleet, as ,the jfun­ damental basis of .negotiations; ( but . with this proviso, that aio other English troops enter the. city .than those.Commissaries,, Officers, and m i-. , Copenhagen, September 6, 1807. j. .

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