36 compels me. to decline; any overture whi(;h;might be productive of delay only: but to prove to you niy ardent desire to put an end. to scenes which I behold with the greatest grief, I send an Offi cer who is authorised to receive any Proposal you may be inclined to make relative to Artic les Of Capitulation, and upbh which it may bfe possible for me to agree to any, even the' shor test'Armistice. '< ' ' lH J' ■ . njV-:',t- .. ' • * • ••'«’;’%'* fr, *‘v " '■ r -4 ;•; % I have the honour to be, & c.' ; ; A' •V'"’’ 1- . :'i •<' Cdthbart. His Excellency General Peymann, '•'Governot l of Copenhagen, & the honour: to be^ .iStc.. , , (Signed). P e ym a n n . , , . . , Commander in Chief of his fcWi'r ’ ' * ' ■' ‘‘ Majesfy’s- Land Forces, Lord CathVai^Calhnrander in -Ch ief ' . m I ' of the British Troops. ; Copenhagen, ‘September ^ 180£. V: : ■jMx"L ord !
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