ioo have since been added,. are distributed in his Majesty’s line of battle ships, the dread oF which will, perhaps, induce-the remainidg Militia of this description to be averse to quitting ihei* homes. ' I trust it wiljl appear that the affair of the. S9thi at Kioge, is as useful as it is brilliant.: I have the honour to be,. &c. , Ir (Signed). C a t h c a r t The yiscount Castlereagb, &c. &c. • ; x * ■: •' < \ ! >r t , . • • ■ ‘: •-•* ' Kioge, August 27, 1807* My L ord ! - ■ According to the intentiqn which I announ­ ced to-your Lorship on the evening of the 27th, I moved to Roeskild Kroe, and placed Colonel Reden at, Yallensbrelt; and General Linsengen jparched yesterday morning to Roeskild ;• by these different rqevements his force became the right instead of the le ft , Having had.reason to, believe, that; the ene- ipy still remained at Kioge. I determined to at­ tack him this day. I settled with General Lin­ sengen. that he should cross the Kioge rivulet at Lille Sellyas» and turn the enemy’s left flank, while I should’ move- along the Sead. Road to­ wards Kioge,. and attack him in front. Both divisions broke up this morning, and inarched, according to thje plan concerted. Upon jpy-approach to Kioge, I found the enemy in fpre^ on the .North side .of the town and -rivulet

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