reports Jby the Danes; Major-General Linsengeif having made a long detour towards the sea, for 1 the purpose of cutting’ off their retreat, and at tacking their rea. ..... ' • ’ ; . •.But finding that the enemy "had moved off by'-the right to Kioge, Sir Arthur ’Wellesley' fell hack to Roestild Kroe^ extending* h i*'left to- cover the besieging army until the cavalry and infantry j who had made a 'Forced •march, had" time to refresh. He then proceeded to'attack' and to defeat the enemy i l l ra - ‘gfinerai adion. The. deroute appeals to have* been complete. ' .'Major-GeneralOxhoUn~ was witbih ‘a mile' of’ this adion, in his way to join General Cas- tenschicdd, with a corps coHeded- ih the Southern' Islands, which had got over.’ ‘He ehdeavoured to stop the fugitives,1 but xou ld 'm ike no effec tual resistancef this ’corps would have"'ende!avoii*?' red to connedt itself with sorhd'sorfie ffom'thfe' place, and would soon have been troublesome. ‘ Sir Arthur Wellesley has moved into the centre of the Island to disarm and quiet the country. cr ' • V'- v.) The only corps which appears to have kept ‘ together is the cavalry* but by the fast accounts' they have bee*n Found by the*'pdtrolel, and w ilf " be followed up. 1 t i ' k c i - ’ • •-w'c; ”fc‘- The. G eheraf‘ and rhis* Officers,'^ vvho" are mostly of their Militia1, have been^'released oh tC~' very'strid patttle?, the General Tbeifig rbspoKsilile4" for theni’; but their men, irgoo/tb which
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