*■’ I f you fcre -'ernel enough ty endeavour to destroy a city.that has no,t giyen .any the le^st cause to such a treatment at your hands, |t must submit to its fate.; but honour .£Xid duty bid q$ rejedt a proposal unbecoming, ,an independent power;, and we are resolved to repel every at* -tack, and defend to thp utmost the city and our good cause,, for which >ve are ready to lay down our lives. The only proposal in my power to make, in- order .to prevent further effusSion of blood, is to send to my. Royal Master, for learning his final resolution, with respedt to the contents of your letter, if, you will grant a passport for this purpose. ' | am, &c. • . •(Signed).’ 7 P eym ari. Commander in .Chief of his Danish , . Majesty’s Land Forces. $ is Excellency Admiral Gambipr and Lord Cathcart, Commanders in Chief of tho , British Sea" and Land Forces. Head-quarters before Copenh. Sppt. 2, iSp?* S ir , ■ • • - ■ It is with great regret that we acquaint you, that it is not in our power to suspend qur com* combined operations during the .time necessary dor consulting your Government. We have‘ done the utmost within the limit? •o f our authority In offering to you, at this -mo ment , terms as advantageous as those ytthich were proposed tq. prevent a rupture* , vt : o
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