’ The -property of ail sorts which ha* beep captured since the commencement of hostilities will he restored to its owners, and the union between the United Kingdoms of Great Britain a^d Ireland, and Denmark may he'renewed. But if this offer is rejected now, it cannot he repeated. The captured property, public and private, must then belong to the captors; and the city/ when taken, must share the fate of conquered places. We must request ait ia rly decision, because ih the present advanced position of the tvoofs so' near your glacis,"the: most prompt and vigo rous attack is indispensible, aud delay would bo improper. . . T- . >Ve,.4kerefo,i-e, expert to receive your decision by We have the honour tp he, # cq * . . . « J. Gunibieti4} : Commander in Chief of his Majesty’s Ship* and Vessels in the Baltic, Ca t hc a , rU JJis Excellency General Peym^nn, Governor ' of Copenhagen,.' See, &c. &c, . ‘ "M y Lonps! ‘ r'" - Our fleet, our own indisputable property, we are convinced is as safe in his Danish Majesty’s Jiands as ever it can be in those of the King of 'England, as pur master never intended any hos tilities against your*. : ' Copenhagen, September i , J807.
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