19 nisli colonies, carved Ivory horns etc. 250: Asia, noteworthy is a rich collection from Japan (276: 2 Human heads ornamented with inlaying and painting, and preserved as trophies of killed enemies). The c o lle c tio n o f A n tiq u itie s comprises a great selection of articles which may be said to enable us to get a cohesive pic ture of the culture of the classic Antiquity. The R o y a l Coin- and M e d a l-c o lle c tio n encompasses all ages and countries and contains about 125,000 coins, medals and castings. The surrounding quarter is one of the finest in the city. Along the canal as well as the adjoining streets are many fine old houses, which were huilt in the period, when the court was at Christiansborg. We proceed along the street to the left skirling the canal, in which pleasure boats are mored. To the left Stormgade (The school museum [No. 17] admittance see newspaper). To the right St o rm- b r o e n (bridge) (cars, to the left for Tivoli, to the right for Kongens Nytorv). From this place a fine view can be taken of the marble-bridge, the port-pavillions with their battlements in renaissance style, and a little farther away the red tiled roof of the arsenal, the fair way of the har bour and in the background the- green wooded walls of Christianshavn. In front of Stormbrocn stands T h o r v a l d s ens Mu s e um (PI. II. 10) (admittance, see newspaper). On the way to the museum on the opposite side of the canal, there are a -number of old characteristic houses, amongst which the As s i s t e n t s h u s , the authorized go vernment loan-oflice, established in 1688. Nearly all of these houses date from the time about the year 1730. In 1728 the whole of this quarter was burnt down. To the right the manege of Christiansborg. T h o r w a l d s e n s Mu s e um (architect: Bindesboll) is built in antique mausolean style on a site belohging to Christiansborg a donation by Frederik VI for that pur pose. The museum commands respect in a double sense, enclosing as it does not only the ‘works of art, bestowed by Thorvaldsen on his native city but also his earthly remains; even the building itself is a work of art made as it is from a coach house, which occupied the ground.
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