from abroad. Open week-days 8 a. m. to 3 p. m., Sun- and Holy- days 8—9 am and 12—2 p. m. Other Postoffices are in the following places: Romersgade 21, Norrebrogade 15, Norrebro railway-station, Osterbrogade 60, Amaliegade 40, Brogade 12, Gammel Kongevej 115, Frederiks- berg railway station and Yalby. The postage for letters within the city 4 Ore. b. Telegraph Department. State Telegraph Head-Station first floor of the General i ’ost-Office. Entrance by the first door Walkendorfsgade: ()pen day and night. State-Telegraph-Stations are in the following places: The Exchange Buildings (Borsen), Harbour Building on Nordre Told- bod and Kviesthusgade No. 7, Vesterbrogade 30, Gannnel Konge vej 115, Frederiksberg railway station, Noiiebrogade 15, Norrebro railway-station and Osterbrogade 6p. Telegrams may be delivered at all Kiosks, see d. C. Telephone Department. The Government Telephone: Head-Office same building as the General Post-Office; open day and night for conversations with Sweden; from 7 or 8 a. m. to 9 p,m. for conversations in the home-country; from 8 a.m. to 9 p. m. for conversations with Germany. Stations for Telegrams and conversations by Telephone at: Yed Stranden 18, Vesterbro gade 64, Trianglen (Osterbro), Arcade in Vimmelskaftet (The Head-Station of „Kjobenhavns Telephonselskab1), Lille Torvegade 37, Blaagaardsgade 3, Nordre Toldbod. Borsen, 0sterbrogade 128, Vesterbrogade 148, „Adam“ by Tivoli, nAdam“ in the tower of Nicolaj Church, Slotsholmsgade 55, Nansensgade 30, Gamle Konge vej 157, Eberths Vi 11atown on Amager and the Kiosks (see § d). From all the said stations the State-Telephone may be used. Other stations for conversation, noticeable by blue star-shaped signs are spread throughout the city. For an ordinary conver sation within the city is charged 10 Ore. d. Kiosks are in the following places: No. 1 Kongens Ny- torv, No. 2 Grenningen, No. 3 Nytorv, No. 4 Raadhuspladsen, No. 5 Norre Boulevard, No. 6 Kongens Nytorv, Nr. 7 Vesterbros Torv, Nr. 8 Solvtorvet, No. 9 Dronning Louises Bro, Nr. 10 Gyl- denlovesgade close to the Klampenborg railway station, The bu siness of the Kiosks is: Sale of Newspapers and Stamps, Tele phone-conversations and interchange of Telegrams, messages (by express 35 Ore minimum, by ordinary courier 20 Ore minimum), orders for play-tickets and other tickets, cabs etc., information of every kind etc., etc. e. Intelligence Office for Travellers. JOansk Turistfor- enings Bureau, Ny Ostergade 7, open weekdays 9—6, in winter 9—2; Round Trip office by the Head Railway Station departure side; Kiosk see under § d. f. Messages by express, D esk s w ith w ritin g mate
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