3 Restaurants, Cafes, Confectioneries, Dining-rooms, Winevaults etc. a. Restaurants. Ill most of the abovenamed Hotels aro restaurants, open till 12 o’clock at night (during the month of .iune, July, August as late as 1 o’clock); of others may be men­ tioned the Standard, the marble building, Kongens Nytorv; L a n g e lin je ’ s p a v illio n ; Con certpalseet, Bredgade 28; Sta. C lara, Kjobmagergade 42; Z o o lo g ic a l G a rd e n s; Skyde- banen, Yesterbrogade 59; T h e a te rca fe , Holmens Kanal 8; W ittm a c k , Holmens Kanal 17; Ny R osen b org . Yestervoldgade; W iv e l, Tivolis Facade-building; N a tion a l opposite the Head Rail­ way-station; S o p a v illio n , Gyldenlovesgade (concert every eve­ ning); Du L ac, Gothersgade 159; Schram, Bredgade 33; B e lle ­ vue, corner of Bredgade and Toldbodvej; E s p la n a d e p a v illio n in Cronningen; R oh d e, 0stergade 15; coifee- and dining-rooms with fixed and uniform prices may be found: DrOnningens Tvaer- gade 25. Slotsgade 2, Absalonsgade 5, Ny Toldbodgade 8, Fre- deriksberggade 21 (dinner from 12—6 a 38 0re, warm supper 35 0re, coffee and tea 8 0re, chocolate 10 0re). b. Cates and Confectioneries are attached to most of the abovementionedRestaurants; amongst others deserve mention :B ron- num, Tordenskjoldsgade 1; Stephan a P orta, Kongens Nytorv 17; G rand jean, Bredgade 4; W ie n e r-C a fe in Hotel King of Denmark; S ch u can i & a P orta , corner of 0stergade and Hoj- broplads; R o d e L y g te, Yimmelskaftet 43; van Zandt, St. Anna- plads 6; C e n tra lh o te l (Paraplyen), Yesterbrogade 2 A ; O sborn e, Yesterbrogade 82; Du Parc, Gyldenlovesgade 4: „H elv ed e“ and „H imm erig “ (Hell and Heaven) opposite each other on the cor­ ners of Skindergade and Kjobmagergade (great number of papers and periodicals). At Frederiksberg: Somm erlyst, Frederiksberg Alle 78; J o s ty , Frederiksberg Have. Confectioneries especially for ladies: R ich a rd , Hovedvagtsgade 8; Jan sen , Tordenskjolds­ gade 11; O tto, Store Ivongensgaile 37; O tto, Amagertorv 23. C. Wine-vaults. S tandards bu ilding, Kongens Nytorv 6; Bodega, Amagertorv 4; B e s tle , Amagertorv 24; Brrennigs successor, Kjobmagergade 39; H aubro, Holmens Kanal 7. (1—5 persons). Book of Fares to be in all cabs. The city is divided into 4 districts (s'ee plan in Book of Fares). The fare for a single drive within 1 district is 70 Ore, for each new district entered an additional 30 Ore is due. From 12—6 night double fares. From the centre of the city and Christians- havn to Frederiksberg Runddel 1 Kr.; to the Zoological Gardens 1 * Means of communication. a. Cabs

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