T r am w a y s — A u tom ob ile s Tour ists=Au tom ob iles.

Automobil-Busses. All tram ­ ways are electrical. The num ­ ber of passengers per year amounts to about 130 m il­ lions. Always remember to keep the ticket during the drive. Stopping places: These are shown on the streets by two different sig n s: »Fast Stoppe- sted« and »Stoppested«. A t the first the tram -cars will always stop, a t the second only if passengers w ant to get on or off. Goods found. All goods found in the tram -cars are kept from the day after being forgotten a t the office for goods found, Oothersgade 53, ground floor, week-days 10 - 6 , telephone 7448. On the 15 of each month, the goods found during the month before and not claimed, are de­ livered to the Invcntarieskri- verens Kontor, Politigaarden (Police H eadquarters). Week­ days 11 — 2 . Goods found in the North Sealand cars are delivered Strandvej 102 A. Weekdays 3—4. Telephone ITellerup 978.

The tramw ays and bussli­ nes of Copenhagen are m u­ nicipal. There are 19 T ram ­ way-lines with a net of rails am ounting to 170 Kilometres, with 860 tram -cars and 13 The following informations may be u sefu l: The Route: The movable sign in front on the roof of the. tram -cars between the two lights, indicates the term inus, towards which the car is mo­ ving. The sign along the roof on the sides gives the whole route in three names: the two ends of the line and in the middle the central stop­ ping place on the line. By comparing these two signs, if one knows the direction of ones destination, it should be impossible to get into a car going in the opposite direc-' tion of the one wanted. The Rates: W ithout tra n sfer 20 0re, with transfer 25 0 re on all routes belonging to Copenhagen. On Line 16 must be paid 20 ex tra for the distance Soborg-Bispebjerg. On the Lines 14 and 15 on the North-Sealand tramways the rates vary from 15 to 35 Ore.

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