Map. 1.

The R adiophony Masts above Jorcks Passage.

masts rise in the middle of the view down the »Stroget«, dom inating the silhouette of the street. Excepting the continuous competion and fight among the amateur-organisations, it must be said, th a t the radio­ phony has been happy in its development in Denmark. Thanks to an immense work on the p a rt of the artists, the arstistic standing is high. W ith regard to the radio­ phony too, Denmark in many ways has been a pioneer, and it is to be hoped, th a t the steady development will be continued now, when the State will make efforts to extend and improve this new, in its possibilities so undream t of rich progress of civilization.

ving into better and for the purpose especially equipped rooms in the State-Telegraph building. Then the number of broadcastings was extended lo ,‘J nights a week and when the Ryvang station was s ta r­ ted in 1924, there was radio­ phony about every day. The radioclub got is own s ta tion, the Copenhagen ltadiophony Station and thereby the num ­ ber of listeners was m ightily increased. The station is an upto date modern Tube-trans­ m itter entirely of Danish m a­ ke. The tower, on the picture above these lines, is set up in the center of the city. V isitors to Copenhagen must notice the an tennaplant iu V imm elskaftet; seen from the Town-Hall Square, the

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