T h e C op enhagen Fire=Departement. The deplorable fire of Cliri- The newest and most mo- stiansborg Palace in 1884 dern fire-materials, as f. i. gave the impulse (o a reorga- automobile-engines, have been nisation of the Copenhagen procured and fire-alarmboxes Fire-Departement, which was have been placed all over the

The main firestation in Copenhagen.

city. The m ainstation, be­ hind the town-hall, is built in 1889—93 (by the archi­ tect L. P. F enger). The Fire-Departm ent is very popular and consists of 9 of­ ficers and 374 petty officers and men. The expenditure to the department averages 4,74 K roner a year per inhabi­ tan t of Copenhagen.

carried through during the following years, and it is at present organised in the in­ ternational way, 8 fine equip­ ped fire-stations being placed in different districts of the city, bringing every p a rt of it near enough to be reached from one of the stations in­ side a few m inutes after the firealarm .

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