Part of the Frederiksberg Garden w ith the Chinese tea-pavilion. of the electro-magnetism, II. C. Orstcd (the sculptor I. A. Jerichau), to his brother, the ju ris t and politician Anders Sundae Orstcd (IT. V. Bissen), the municipal-politician L. N. Ilvidt (bust by Villi. Bissen, monumental arrangem ent by the architect Villi. D ahlerup). Fselledparken certs, etc. Among the monu­ ments are a big memorial sto­ ne to the teetotaller and ag i­ tato r Ole Syversen. (Sculptor liichard Magnussen), and a smaller to the aviator Ulrik Birch, (sculptor Georg U lm er), the first perished Danish avia­ tor. Botanical Garden (see chap­ ter 7). Frederiksberg Garden and

(park of the commons) (map 4) with the sporting grounds cover an area of 78 hectares of the old city-commons. In 1905 it was decided to lay out this park and on April 27 1909 one of the mayors, Mr. Jensen, plan­ ted the first tree. The park partly was made according to the plan of the engineer Ove Nobel. In the park are spor­ tin g grounds, play grounds and a big lawn set aside for big meetings, open-air con­

Sandermarken (Map 10) were laid out a t the same time as Frederiksberg palace was built, 1099—1703. Originally file gardens were made in the French style, but were remo­ delled in 1784—1801 into the more free English style. From the first period are kept the terrace in front of the palace inFrederiksberg garden and the two avenues in Sondermarken.

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