have been years, in which mo­ re children died from the hoo­ ping cough than from diph­ theria, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, infants paralysis and meningitis p u t together. The hooping cough-vaccine in the meantime, does not pre­ vent the desease from brea­ king out, b u t it m itigates its course and brings down the death-percentage. Tt is remarkable, th a t while the infectious deseases 30 years ago headed the list of causes of death, they have gradually gone down to be number three. We dare say, th a t the serum- and the vac­ cine-treatments have some p a rt in this fortunate tu rn of conditions, in any case in connection with another im­ p ortan t side of the activity

the future will show, and the serum used by the Sanocry- siil-treatment, about which it as yet is impossible to say anything definite. Near connected with the se­ rum-treatment. is the vaccine- treatm ent. The institu te pro­ duces vaccine against typhoid fever, cholera, furunculosis, and certain inflamations of the urethra, besides against hoo­ ping cough. The last mentio­ ned vaccine is expected to be of great practical value in this country, where hoo­ ping cough and its secondary effects, on account of the other childrens deseases being pressed far in the background, now comparatively m ust be considered the most dange­ rous and contagious of the childrens deseases, and there

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