Map 4.
The U niversity Institute of Theoretical Physics.
of the Serum -institute, the diagnostic, which has the ob ject to help the physicians to the early understanding of the nature of the infec tious desease by retu rn exa m ination of the test-tubes w ith samples of blood or. other m aterial, in which the germs are supposed to be found. The director of the State Serum -Institute is Dr. med. Thorvald Madsen, President of the Health-Committee of the League of Nations. The Finsen medical Light-Institute on Strandboulevard 49, is an institution, which u n der the control and collabora tion of the State is governing its own properties and means. The world-famous institu te is founded by the physician
Niels R. Finsen (Nobel Prize 1903) and was inaugurated in 1896. Its object is to inve stigate the healing effects of the light on living organisms, chiefly by employing che mical rays in the service of the practical medicine. The institu te chiefly treats patients suffering from lupus, heart-deseases, surgical tu b er culosis and tuberculosis of the ear, nose and throat. From a small beginning the in stitu te has grown with giant-strides and now comprises a number of buildings with a monumen tal m ain-buikling facing the Strandboulevard. The in stitu te has 256 beds. In the garden is placed a momument to the founder, Niels Tt. Finsen, made by the sculptor Viggo Jarl.
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