S c ien tific Institutions.

of J. C. Jacobsen. On the first lloor is the meeting-hall of the society, having yellow marble pilasters and a rich­ ly ornamented ceiling of stuc­ co with medalions of prom i­ nent Danish scientists. On the second floor are the of­ fices, archives etc. of the so­ ciety and on the ground floor the bursary of the Carlsberg Foundation and the dwelling of the chairm an of the hoard of directors. The Carlsberg Foundation was instituted in 1876 by the owner of the Carlsberg Bre­ wery, the brewer, captain J. C. Jacobsen. The object of this institu tio n is partly to help w ith money the C arls­ berg Laboratory, if necessary, and partly to promote know­ ledge of the different sciences. To this were added in 1881 the founding and develop­ ment of the national-histori­ cal Museum, instituted in 1878 at Frederiksborg P ala­ ce. Originally the Foundation was started w ith a gift of 1 million K roner, secured by a mortgage on the brewery and shortly after enlarged with 200,000 kroner and with 1 million kroner. A t c his death Mr. Jacob­ sen bequeathed the whole bre­ wery to the foundation. In 1902 his son, the brewer, Dr.

The Royal Society of Sciences was founded in 1742 with the object to promote the histori­ cal, physical, mathematical and philosophical sciences and publish scientific works. The society counts about 70 Danish members, and the number of members outside Denmark must not exceed 140. The President of the society is professor Vilhelm Thom­ sen. This Society publishes va­ rious works and communica­ tions w ritten by its members, as well the Danish as the fo­ reign members, and the works may be w ritten in the Scan­ dinavian as well as in the three principal languages of Europe and in L atin. Every year is published, besides, the procedings of the society, con­ taining reports of the mee­ tings of the past year (Ju ne —May) and obituaries of the Danish members, who died du­ ring the year. The society elects the committee for the m anaging of the Carlsberg Foundation. Since 1899 the society has its rooms in the monumen­ tal building on Dantes Squa­ re, owned by the Carlsberg Foundation, built by the ar­ chitect, professor Villi. P eter­ sen. On the m ain-stairway of White mafble, stands a bust

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