The Royal Library.
The Royal Library (Route 3) contains the largest col lection of books in the Nor thern Europe. It. was foun ded by K ing Frederik III. The library consists of more than 850,000 printed books, about 30,000 m anuscripts, about 4000 incunabula (up to year 1500) and a copious collection of music, portraits, maps and pictures. The present library was built 1898—1900 by professor Hans I. Holm. To the right in the hall is placed an im mense casting of a relief, representing the stern of a ship, cut in the rock by Lindos, found by the excava tions a t Ithodos, undertaken by the Carlsberg Foundation. In the middle of the vesti
bule is the entrance to the big reading room w ith a re ference lib rary of 4,500 vo lumes. The room is decorated with busts of Frederik III, Olio Tliott and IIjehnstjcrnc. To the right is the entrance to the loan-departm ent and to the left the stairw ay to the perm anent exhibition. In the beautiful garden in front of the library, is a sta tue of the famous philosopher Horen Kierkegaard, and a t the passage out to K ristiansga- de an antique statue of De mosthenes. The reading-room is open 9—7, the exhibition 12—2. Admission free. The library is closed in A ugust and be tween Christmas and New- Year.
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