Map 2.
Reading-room in a Copenhagen Public Library.
The libraries of the city are always procuring the best and newest books. 28,000 volumes averagely are bought per year for the district-libraries, and of many books and works 80 to 70 or even 100 copies are procured. The books are bought with proper regard paid to all branches of en lightenment and education and the libraries thus ofTer a rich material, old and new, for entertainm ent and infor mation, for professional im provement and self-applica tion, equally valuable to all classes, to men and women. The libraries are meant to be the university of the people and the home, where everybo dy may have his interests and his th irst of knowledge statisfied: the technician and
Ihe artist, the workingman and the mechanic, the s tu dents and the businessmen, the housewives and the tr a desmen of everv description. In 1923—24 '],727,000 volu mes were lent to 54,000 rea ders and the reading-rooms were visited by 414,400 per sons. The librarian s show wil lingly the libraries to to u rists, wanting to inspect them. The University-Library is in Fiolstrrede, form ing the one side of the university square. I t was built in 1857 —61 by the architecht I. 1). Herholdt in N o rth -Italian sty le. To the university-library belongs the large Classen-Li- brary and the famous Arne-
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