loan of the books to the in habitants of the community is gratis. In course of time a line staff of librarians, men and women, have been tra i ned, and the chief-librarians a t the larger libraries are oppointed by the State. A t present the number of libraries w ith public subven tion are 730, of which 652 in the ocuntrydistricts. The aggregate number of the vo lumes are 1,200,000. penhagen belong to the c iti zens ; any man or woman over 14 years old has the free use of them and the nearest district- library is always easy to find. Tn each district is a library and the hours are arranged in a way so everybody can take the time for a visit. The libraries have two de partm ents: The loan-depart ment and the reading-room, into which anybody can walk in w ithout any formalities. In the reading-rooms and most of the loan-departments one can help himself to the books from the open shelves.
The Danish state-subventio- ned public libraries were in stituted according to the law of March 5th 1920. This law defines, how the subvention from the government is to be divided and which requi rements m ust be fulfilled to get the subvention. I t fu r ther gives provisions for the States superintendence with this kind of libraries. As a rule the libraries range under the city and are controlled by the public. The The Public Libraries of Copenhagen have been in stitu ted to render to the public an easy access to the Danish and foreign literatu re : en tertai ning, instructive and special, thereby to further the gene ral education. The city go vernment considers it being of vaste importance, th a t the citizens should have the most easy access to education and knowledge through the lite rature, and therefore, on its own expense, has established the libraries and made them free for all. Thus the libraries in Co
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