Map 7.

The Business College.

meriting and instruction, as f. i. joinerishops for maclii- ne\\york and fu rn itu re m a­ king, testing-rooms for mo­ tors, blacksmith- and machi- nesmith-shops, shops for grinding and tempering, machine-shops, shops for wel­ ding, tinkers, glaziers and fashioners shops, weaving- rooms, photographic studio, and a number of laborato­ ries. The tower of the building is decorated w ith 12 figures of sandstone, representing the 12 trades and modelled by Jens Lund. The admission to the in­ stitu te is free, the best time being from 10 to 12. The Technic Societys School (Route 5) is situated on cor­ ner Nurre Voldgade and Ah-

lefeldtsgade. It is built in 1881 by the architect L. /’. Fenger. The frontispiece is executed be Peters and along the cornice runs a frieze of faience with po rtraits of Tycho Brahe, Ole Homer, Thorvaldsen and II. C. 0 r- sted. The idea with this sliool is — by day- and night clas­ ses — to give instruction in such kind of knowledge and technical skill, as may be useful to the mechanics and industrials in their profes­ sions. About 4000 pupils fre­ quent the school, instructed by 150 teachers. The Royal Academy of fine Arts, for artists and archi­ tects, is installed, in the Charlottenborg Palace, Kon- gens Nytorv. (Chapter 7). The Business College (Route

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