Meyer, and contains a beau tiful old lecture room, the anatomical amphiteatre, the standard-anatom ical museum of the university, the su rg i cal collection of instrum ents and books, and, in a b u il ding in the court, the phy siological institute. (The ad mission to these institutions is for medical students only). The Academy of Pharmacy, Stockholmsgade 27, is built in 1892. Tlie site, the buil ding and the m aterial for the instruction Avere all donated to the S tate by a private citizen, the counceller of S ta te Chr. D. A. Hansen. EArery year about 70 pharmacists pass their examination at this academy. The State Training-School, Odensegade 14 (architect F.
5) on corner Fiolstrsede and N 0 rrevoldga.de, is bu ilt in 1902 (architects V. & B. In- gemann) by the Society for the training of young mer chants, whose agency embra ces the Business college, The School of Commerce, and Niels Broclcs Highschool for Commerce, all in this buil ding. The State Gymnasium, Route 5, Norre A116, for the training of teachers (male and female) of gymnastics and sports. Surgeons Hall (Route 2), Bredgade 62, was founded Ju n e 22d 1785 as a special in stitu te and in 1842 in corporated under the un i versity with the faculty of medical science. The very sty lish academy Avas b u ilt in 1787 by professor Peter
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