Meyer, and contains a beau­ tiful old lecture room, the anatomical amphiteatre, the standard-anatom ical museum of the university, the su rg i­ cal collection of instrum ents and books, and, in a b u il­ ding in the court, the phy­ siological institute. (The ad­ mission to these institutions is for medical students only). The Academy of Pharmacy, Stockholmsgade 27, is built in 1892. Tlie site, the buil­ ding and the m aterial for the instruction Avere all donated to the S tate by a private citizen, the counceller of S ta­ te Chr. D. A. Hansen. EArery year about 70 pharmacists pass their examination at this academy. The State Training-School, Odensegade 14 (architect F.

5) on corner Fiolstrsede and N 0 rrevoldga.de, is bu ilt in 1902 (architects V. & B. In- gemann) by the Society for the training of young mer­ chants, whose agency embra­ ces the Business college, The School of Commerce, and Niels Broclcs Highschool for Commerce, all in this buil­ ding. The State Gymnasium, Route 5, Norre A116, for the training of teachers (male and female) of gymnastics and sports. Surgeons Hall (Route 2), Bredgade 62, was founded Ju n e 22d 1785 as a special in stitu te and in 1842 in ­ corporated under the un i­ versity with the faculty of medical science. The very sty ­ lish academy Avas b u ilt in 1787 by professor Peter

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