Vesterbros Passage at night

Map 9.

itself with its own govern­ ment. Originally Frederiks­ berg was a villa-quarter o u t­ side of Copenhagen, until this quickly growing, surrounded it on all sides. Now Frederiks- herg is a town in the city. In spite of the neighbour­ hood, Frederiksberg, in the meantime, has kept much of the good old time, lending to it a peculiar charm.

tramway crossing a t II. C. Or- stedsvej, which leads to Aa- boulevarden. The street to the left leads to Frederiksberg Al- 16. On Biilowsvej, one of the large sidestreets, is the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural Academy (see Chapter 7). The many sidestreets of the last p a rt of Gamle Kongevej lead to fine and cosy villa-di­ stricts, characteristic of F re­ deriksberg, which is a town in

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