kraks vejviser 2003-04 produkter


Datanet - udstyr, software


Scandinavian Direct Mail - Denmark, Kruså, C .......................................................................... Tlf. 74 6713 41 Schube Teknik Peter Schubert, Fredericia, S .......................................................................... Tlf. 75 91 18 67 Stato Tech ApS, Grindsted, FGS ................ Tlf. 75 33 70 33 Symbol Technologies A/S, Hørsholm, F ....... Tlf. 70 20 17 18 T-Net Communications A/S, Herlev, F ........ Tlf. 70 26 63 66 TDC Nørregade 21,1165 København K Tlf. 80 80 80 80 C Web: TDC Mobil Center Hillerød, Hillerød, C ...... Tlf. 48 26 66 88 Telcom Danmark ApS, København 0, C ......Tlf. 70 21 53 15 Tele-Kæden Egå ApS, Egå, G ........................ Tlf. 86 22 55 77 Teletronic Denmark ApS, København 0, FX ..........................................................................Tlf. 70 27 00 84 Tempest Europe A/S, Allerød, GX ............... Tlf. 48 1715 53 TMO Data ApS, Odder, G ............................. Tlf. 86 53 15 84 TP Radio, Greve, G-X .......................................... Tlf. 43 90 6048 TP Servicecenter Fyn ApS, Ullerslev, G ........ Tlf. 65 35 35 05 Tracon, Rødovre, GX ................................... Tlf. 36 70 01 99 Tradeg, Søborg, G .......................................... Tlf. 39 55 12 52 Unitec ApS, Hørsholm, G ................................... Tlf. 45 76 12 14 Upgrade Communication A/S, Brøndby, G ..Tlf. 43 43 95 90 Vestjysk EDB Center ApS, Videbæk, S ......... Tlf. 70 20 21 16 Viking Management & IT Løsninger, Taastrup, G .......................................................................... Tlf. 20 92 79 33 VINCENTZ Gruppen A/S, Søborg, S .............. Tlf. 70 22 02 20 VMC elteknik a/s, Farum, G .......................... Tlf. 44 34 23 42 Weteco A/S, Brøndby, G ............................... Tlf. 70 27 79 69 WorkIT A/S, Horsens, F ................................. Tlf. 76 27 30 28 Zodiac Communications ApS, Sønderborg, F G X .......................................................................... Tlf. 74 42 15 88 Zonith A/S, København K, F ......................... Tlf. 33 32 45 30 Ølstykke Foto & Data, Ølstykke, G ............ Tlf. 47 17 94 94 Elmanet A/S, Greve ......................................... Tlf. 70 22 10 00 Geveke Teknik A/S, Albertslund .................... Tlf. 43 68 50 00 J-Tech Microsystemer, Kolding ...................... Tlf. 75 53 10 32 Lynge's E.kontrol, Ishøj .................................. Tlf. 21 75 41 04 Multi Office Solutions, Kolding ...................... Tlf. 70 27 35 50 Paratron A/S, København SV ......................... Tlf. 36 16 25 88 RM Teknik A/S, Præstø .................................. Tlf. 55 99 33 49 Teletronic Denmark ApS, København 0 ........ Tlf. 70 27 00 84 Datanet - udstyr, software og tjenester Fortrinsvis virksomheder med mindst 6 ansatte Aage Hempel A/S, Taastrup .................................. Tlf. 43 71 64 64 AC IntelliCom A/S, Aalborg ............................. Tlf. 70 20 10 65 AddVision IT A/S, Herlev ....................................... Tlf. 44 53 03 33 Alcadon A/S, Skovlunde ........................................ Tlf. 44 85 30 70 Alcatel Danmark A/S, Ballerup ............................. Tlf. 44 86 75 00 AMC-Consult A/S, Frederiksberg ......................... Tlf. 38 88 88 70 AM3D, Aalborg SV ............................................... Tlf. 99 34 98 12 Anixter Danmark A/S, Brøndby ...................... Tlf. 70 10 88 00 AP Data 2000 ApS, Vipperød ..........................Tlf. 59 18 26 25 API Maintenance Systems A/S, Albertslund ...Tlf. 43 43 35 33 Atea Danmark A/S, Ballerup ................................. Tlf. 70 12 04 00 Banzhaf Data A/S, Allerød ..................................... Tlf. 44 92 32 44 Bellcom Internet ApS, Hellerup ...................... Tlf. 39 40 17 17 Betech Data A/S, Brøndby ..................................... Tlf. 43 48 74 70 BJ Data Support ApS, Århus N .............................. Tlf. 87 39 12 12 Blue Line A/S, Århus N .......................................... Tlf. 86 78 5000 BlueCom Danmark A/S, Birkerød ........................ Tlf. 45 94 55 55 BMC Software A/S, Ballerup ............................Tlf. 44 73 10 00 Bredana Systemudvikling A/S, Bredebro ........ Tlf. 70 10 10 28 Bruhn NewTech A/S, Søborg ................................Tlf. 39 55 80 00 Bruun & Juhl ApS, Blommenslyst ........................ Tlf. 70 20 20 30 Callesen Erling, Rødekro ....................................... Tlf. 74 66 25 25 Cap Gemini Danmark A/S, Gentofte ............... Tlf. 70 11 22 00 Clamon ApS, København K .................................. Tlf. 33 12 46 46 Coferro A/S, Herlev ................................................ Tlf. 44 84 55 55 Compare IT Service A/S, Herlev ........................... Tlf. 70 20 42 90 Datalogning Betula Electronic A/S, Farum ........................... Tlf. 44 95 98 00 Brodersen Controls A/S, Roskilde ..................Tlf. 46 74 00 00 Caspersen Michael E, Beder ........................... Tlf. 86 93 74 62 ED Service-Center Gammel Darupvej 5 B, 4000 Roskilde Tlf. 46 3615 15 Fax 46 37 39 06 E-mail: Web:

MCG A/S, Holte ............................................... Tlf. 45 41 40 77 Mercodan A/S, København SV ........................Tlf. 36 17 19 85 Metaco ApS, Viby J ...........................................Tlf. 87 34 56 10 MGE UPS Systems, Hedehusene ....................Tlf. 46 55 02 60 Micro Managed Photons A/S, Roskilde ........... Tlf. 45 25 36 36 Microsoft Danmark ApS, Hellerup .................. Tlf. 44 89 01 00 Minisoft A/S, Silkeborg ..................................... Tlf. 86 81 3488 Minisoft Today A/S, Silkeborg ......................... Tlf. 86 81 34 88 Mira Internet A/S, Holstebro ............................ Tlf. 96 10 15 10 Motorola A/S Sydvestvej 15, 2600 Glostrup Tlf. 43 48 80 00, Fax 43 48 80 01 Web:

ComSystem A/S Porthusvej 9 B, 3490 Kvistgård Tlf. 49 13 96 93 E-mail:

Specialister indenfor: Radio Datatransmission, Trådløst Netværk, Radiomodem, Netværkssystemer, LAN/WAN, Truck PC, Håndterminaler, Internationale Typegodkendelser, Radio Sitesurveys,

Rådgivning og Projektløsninger

CUBIC-Conitec A/S Platanvænget 14, 8990 Fårup

Tlf. 86 45 27 00 Fax 86 45 29 09 E-mail: Web: CYGATE DANMARK A/S Ellekær 9, 2730 Herlev Tlf. 44 85 90 60, Fax 44 85 90 59 Krøyer Kielbergs Vej 3, 5., 8660 Skanderborg Tlf. 44 85 90 60, Fax 87 93 14 99


MRC Computer A/S, Nørresundby ...................... Tlf. 96 32 45 00 Multi-LAN Data A/S, Glostrup .............................. Tlf. 43 62 20 74 Multi Office Solutions, Kolding ............................ Tlf. 70 27 35 50 Mutax ApS, København S ...................................... Tlf. 32 83 04 20 Mærsk IT AS, København 0 ................................. Tlf. 39 10 10 40 Navi Group A/S, Skanderborg .............................. Tlf. 70 22 7744 NetDesign A/S, Farum .......................................... Tlf. 72 41 42 00 NETMAN APS

E-mail: Web: se omstående halvsidesann.

Dakota Computer Solutions ApS, Viby J ........ Tlf. 87 34 56 10 Dan Net A/S, Birkerød .................................... Tlf. 45 82 16 00 Dansk Data-Kommunikation ApS, Rødekro...Tlf. 74 69 36 00 Dansk System Data ApS, Esbjerg V ................ Tlf. 75 15 75 22 dansystem as Grundtvigsvej 29,1864 Frederiksberg C Tlf. 33 31 91 91, Fax 33 31 90 01 E-mail: Web: Danware Data A/S, Birkerød ........................... Tlf. Data Gården A/S, Kolding ................................Tlf. 75 50 20 35 Data-Rex A/S - Herlev, Herlev .........................Tlf. 44 94 98 11 Data Syd A/S, Nykøbing F ................................Tlf. 54 88 00 00 Datafilen A/S, Viborg ............... Tlf. 87 27 33 33 Datametrix A/S, Albertslund ............................ Tlf. 77 30 10 60 Datek A/S, Herlev ............................................. Tlf. 44 53 10 11 Daxten ApS, Viby J ............................................ Tlf. 87 34 56 10 DBVision ApS, København N .......................... Tlf. 35 36 21 44 DSI-Data A/S, Kokkedal ................................... Tlf. 49 18 49 18 Elbek & Vejrup A/S, Århus N ........................... Tlf. 70 20 20 86 EQUANT, København 0 .................................. Tlf. 35 29 00 00 Erhvervs-Gruppen, Danmark Rådgivende Civiløkonomer A/S, Them ......................................................... Tlf. 86 84 83 00 Ericsson Telebit A/S, Viby J .............................. Tlf. 89 38 51 00 Falconholm International A/S, Glostrup ......... Tlf. 44 88 99 00 45 90 25 25 FÆSTER.SCi a/s, Farum .................................... Tlf. 44 99 56 07 GateHouse A/S, Nørresundby ......................... Tlf. 70 20 19 09 GDC A/S, Ballerup ............................................ Tlf. 44 73 00 00 Heath Comm A/S, Brøndby ............................. Tlf. 70 22 11 30 Heinex-Data A/S, Åbyhøj ................................. Tlf. 86 25 10 88 Himsa A/S, København 0 ................................ Tlf. 39 16 22 00 IAR Systems A/S, Viby J .................................... Tlf. 87 34 11 00 Imacon AJS, København NV ............................ Tlf. 70 26 0800 IM_Teknik & Data, Karby ................................. Tlf. 97 76 11 93 Informatic Engros ApS, Farum ......................... Tlf. 44 99 10 10 InnoScan K/S, Brabrand ................................... Tlf. 86 26 56 77 Inter-Data, Silkeborg A/S, Silkeborg ............... Tlf. 86 81 16 16 Intermate A/S, Birkerød .................................... Tlf. 72 26 04 00 Intervision, Aabybro ........................................ Tlf. 86 25 3040 IT FORUM A/S, Risskov ...................................Tlf. 70 10 01 50 IT ProjektPartner A/S, HeHerup ....................... Tlf. 70 20 99 20 J.O. Installationer A/S, Søborg ......................... Tlf. 39 56 58 33 Jysk Data Partner A/S, Horsens .......................Tlf. 70 22 20 22 Kyborg A/S, Gentofte ............................ '■ ........ Tlf. 70 20 44 42 Lan-Com A/S, Herlev .......................................Tlf. 44 57 07 87 L B Infolink ApS, Valby ....................................Tlf. 36 44 42 00 LEC AS, Risskov ............................................... Tlf. 89 37 40 00 LeksIT A/S, Taastrup ......................................... Tlf. 43 55 25 00 LinkAge Software A/S, København K ............... Tlf. 33 93 88 20 LK as, Ballerup .................................................. Tlf. 44 20 70 00 LOGICON A/S, Herlev .................................... Tlf. 44 66 25 25 Lura A/S, Næstved ........................................... Tlf. 55 77 83 83 Magirus Nordic A/S, Bagsværd ....................... Tlf. 44 37 84 00 FOUR LEAF TECHNOLOGIES A/S Jens Juuls Vej 42, 8260 Viby J Tlf. 70 25 45 00 Fax 70 25 45 01 E-mail: Web: Backup Software Fujitsu Invia A/S Tuborg Havnevej 19, 2900 Hellerup Tlf. 44 89 44 89 Web:

Tobaksvejen 23 B, 2860 Søborg Tlf. 39 53 58 00, Fax 39 53 58 58 Web:

NetMan udvikler

software løsninger til teleselskaber indenfor network management.

NetMan T ' F >'

Netpartner A/S, København 0 ........................ Tlf. 70 21 03 38 Nord Data A/S, Hillerød .................................. Tlf. 48 20 03 00 Nw Gruppen A/S, Vejle Øst ............................Tlf. 76 41 09 00 Opportunity Solutions A/S, København 0 .... Tlf. 36 99 20 00

P & P ELEKTRO A/S Granvej 2, Postboks 269, 8800 Viborg Tlf. 86 62 62 88, Fax 86 61 52 69 E-mail: Web:

p&p] @

PCS-gruppen A/S, Rødekro ............................. Tlf. 73 36 34 00 Petersen & Guttesen P/F, 110 T6rshavn..Tlf. 00 298 31 11 15 Proventum Solutions ApS, København K ....... Tlf. 33 45 43 45 Ravenholm Computing A/S, Glostrup ............ Tlf. 44 88 99 00 SAT Consulting ApS, Gilleleje ............................... Tlf. 49 71 99 95 Scandinavian Direct Mail - Denmark, Kruså ..Tlf. 74 67 13 41 ScanDis, Herning ............................................. Tlf. 97 16 23 11 Sintas A/S, Vejle ..................................................... Tlf. 76 49 83 00 SITA SC, Valby ....................................................... Tlf. 36 19 8600 Software AG Nordic A/S, Taastrup ....................... Tlf. 43 50 8800 Stratega A/S, Slangerup ......................................... Tlf. 47 38 10 10 Sydkopi, Nykøbing F .............................................. Tlf. 54 84 12 50 SynergiData, Albertslund ...................................... Tlf. 43 63 4400 Systematic Software Engineering A/S, Århus C .......................................................................... Tlf. 89 43 20 00 TDC Nørregade 21,1165 København K Tlf. 80 80 80 80 Web: Team Online A/S, Odense C ........................... Tlf. 66 17 73 13 TeamUnique ApS, Frederiksberg C ................ Tlf. 35 36 36 34 TechTeam Carl Lindhardt A/S, Værløse .......... Tlf. 44 35 53 44 TetraPlan A/S, København K ............................ Tlf. 33 73 71 00 Thiim C A/S Transformervej 31,2730 Herlev

Tlf. 44 85 80 00 Fax 44 85 80 05 E-mail: Web:

T. I.Automation, Videbæk .................................... Tlf. 97 19 44 66 Tia Technology A/S, Virum .................................... Tlf. 45 95 76 00 TimeLog ApS, København 0 ................................ Tlf. 70 20 06 45 Topcom Danmark A/S, Allerød .............................Tlf. 48 14 2500

320 321 F = Fabrikation G = Engros og agentur S = Service X = Eksport min. 10%


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