kraks vejviser 2003-04 produkter


Baby- og børneudstyr


E.J. Badekabiner A/S, Hedensted, F-X .......... Tlf. 75 89 24 00 Eriksen's Bo-Miljø, Holbæk, G ..................... Tlf. 59 46 71 11 FLH-badetårne l/S, København V, F ............. Tlf. 33 12 24 33 Gram Køkkencenter ApS, Gram, G .............. Tlf. 74 82 18 55 DEN GULE RØRSERVICE A/S, Vanløse, F ..... Tlf. 38 71 25 11 Gør det selv HTH, Holbæk, G ...................... Tlf. 59 43 13 33 Gør det selv Lageret, Sønderborg, G ............. Tlf. 74 42 26 06 Hammer Bjørn A/S, Slagelse, F ..................... Tlf. 58 54 72 17 Handi Systemer, Hjørring, F ......................... Tlf. 98 90 24 52 Hansen Vang, Jyderup, F ............................... Tlf. 59 27 79 69 Hanstholm Inventar A/S, Thisted, F-G ......... Tlf. 97 93 15 00 Holm Bent Olaf, Kvistgård, F ....................... Tlf. 49 13 90 31 HTH Køkkenforum Vejle A/S, Vejle, F .......... Tlf. 75 82 74 00 Inspiration, Hvidovre, G .................................Tlf. 36 48 10 18 48 24 50 40 Invita Køkkener A/S, Bording, F-X ............... Tlf. 77 88 70 00 Jacobsen Hans WS, Snekkersten, F .............. Tlf. 49 22 37 16 Jacuzzi Danmark A/S, Hellerup, G ................ Tlf. 39 61 31 31 Janum Knud ApS, Taastrup, G ...................... Tlf. 43 52 13 65 Jensen Ole Fr., Værløse, G ............................ Tlf. 44 48 4258 JKE Design, Frederiksberg C, F ..................... Tlf. 33 31 86 00 J.N. Production A/S, Snedsted, F ................... Tlf. 97 93 68 00 Jupiter Plast A/S, Bogø By, F-X ....................... Tlf. 55 89 33 33 KA Interiør A/S, Grindsted, F-X ...................... Tlf. 76 72 15 00 Kristiansen Anders Peter Nyrup, Karup J, G .Tlf. 86 66 18 48 Kvik WS, Odder, F ........................................ Tlf. 86 55 41 11 Larsen Jørgen Gjerring, Maribo, F ................. Tlf. 54 78 05 42 La Maison ApS, Hellerup, F ........................... Tlf. 39 27 47 07 Interstudio Copenhagen A/S, København 0, G ..........................................................................Tlf. Invita Køkkencenter, Hillerød, G ..................Tlf. 35 26 31 00

Baby- og børneudstyr Se også • Barnevogne og klapvogne • Bleer

Bade- og bådebroer Aquila A/S & JB Højtryk, Middelfart, X ......... Tlf. 64 41 55 55 Bandholm Maskinfabrik A/S, Bandholm ........Tlf. 54 78 80 06 FRANDSEN HELGE A/S

Hornsyld Industrivej 5, 8783 Hornsyld Tlf. 75 68 80 33 Fax 75 68 81 73 Web: Sjælland: Tlf. 45 85 36 11 Fax 45 85 36 44

ABC KIDS, Hellerup, C ................................. Tlf. 39 62 62 19 Ankjaer/Kooshies, Bryrup, G-X ........... ........ Tlf. 75 75 68 68 Baby Dan A/S, Låsby, FX .............................. Tlf. 86 95 11 55 Babysam, Brønshøj, G .................................. Tlf. 38 89 11 66 BabySam A.m.b.A., Aabenraa, G ..................Tlf. 74 63 25 10 Bach Sten Flinker, Viborg, F-X ........................... Tlf. 86 61 3444 Barnex, Århus C, G ........................................Tlf. 86 13 71 72 Basson Trading, Hornbæk, G-X ................... Tlf. 49 70 40 60 Britex, Silkeborg, F-X .................................... Tlf. 86 82 08 82 Bubbi Børnetøj ApS, Aars, F- G ..................... Tlf. 98 62 65 00 Dan Dryer, N Saaby Jørgensen A/S, Randers, F-G-X .......................................................................... Tlf. 86 41 5711 Dansk Barntex, indkøbsforening a.m.b.a, Horsens, F .......................................................................... Tlf. 75 62 07 44 Dansk Bletjeneste-Dania Plast ApS, Rødovre, F .......................................................................... Tlf. 36 41 51 01 Design by Licht, Espergærde, G ................... Tlf. 45 42 37 07 DK International care A/S, Odder, G ............ Tlf. 87 81 75 75 Elsa Konfektion A/S, Ikast, F-X ....................... Tlf. 97 15 30 88 Eng Denmark A/S, Aalborg SV, G .................Tlf. 98 18 86 55 Galvit Marketing og Trading ApS, Karrebæksminde, G ..... * ................................................................... Tlf. 55 44 15 25 Indkøbsforeningen Dansk Barntex A.M.B.A., Horsens, G .......................................................................... Tlf. 75 62 07 44 Info-Trade Medical ApS, København K, G ....Tlf. 33 33 08 35 Ingers Babyudstyr, Bramming, F .................. Tlf. 75 17 31 55 Japan Consult & Trade, København 0, G .... Tlf. 35 26 62 99 Kalle Børnetøj & Sko ApS, Charlottenlund, G .......................................................................... Tlf. 39 64 4515 Lamico ApS, Liseleje, G ................................. Tlf. 47 74 64 70 Madsen Nørgård Eftf. ApS, Ryomgård, F ...... Tlf. 86 39 60 84 Miching/Herning, F .................................... Tlf. 97 26 98 48 OK - Babystrik, Herning, F-X ....................... Tlf. 97 12 18 41 Pif-Paf-Puf, København 0, G ........................ Tlf. 35 43 11 40 Pippi KidCo A/S, Herning, G-X .................... Tlf. 96 26 77 77 Rasmussen Helge Trikotagefabrik A/S, Ikast, F X .......................................................................... Tlf. 971511 55 Smifa Trading/Smifa Health-care, Solrød Strand, G-X .......................................................................... Tlf. 5614 56 50 Thorn Jens A/S, Jystrup Midtsj, F- G ............. Tlf. 57 52 81 03 Tidens Børn, Herlev, F .................................. Tlf. 44 94 3405 Tolico A/S, Holte, F ........................................ Tlf. 45 42 53 11 TOT WEAR Schwarz Lausten, Herning, F- C Tlf. 96 29 32 00 Trave Aksel, Helsinge, F- G ............................ Tlf. 48 79 75 74 Baby Pack ApS, Køge, F ................................. Tlf. 56 65 Baby-slipsen, Strandby, F .............................. Tlf. 98 48 05 72 Babygården, Odense M, F .............................. Tlf. 66 15 85 69 Bruland Charlotte Design, Viborg, F ............ Tlf. 86 67 67 55 Bukselommen, Odense C, G ......................... Tlf. 66 12 08 50 Decoy A/S, Kolding, G ................................ ...Tlf. 76 30 91 00 Erla Underwear ApS, Ikast, F-X ................... Tlf. 97 15 19 22 Firma Mette P, København NV, F ................. Tlf. 38 33 51 15 Fix-On Fixoni H Utoft A/S, Give, G-X ............ Tlf. 75 73 19 99 Højbjerg Margit, Faaborg, F .......................... Tlf. 62 60 17 09 Jensen Lise-Lotte, København V, F ................ Tlf. 33 31 09 15 LCH Textrade A/S, Roskilde, G X ................... Tlf. 46 75 62 30 Luka-Collection ApS, Rønde, G-X ................. Tlf. 86 37 28 86 Munch Benny, Klippinge, F ........................... Tlf. 56 57 91 18 Møllers Børnetøj, København K, G ............... Tlf. 33 11 40 50 Panama, Gentofte, F ...................................... Tlf. 39 65 44 76 Rasmussen E & M, Ikast, F-X ...................... Tlf. 97 14 01 41 Schiesser International A/S, København S, G .......................................................................... Tlf. 32 47 3570 Schmidt Marian, Millinge, F .......................... Tlf. 62 68 18 25 Stort & Småt, Kolding, G ............................... Tlf. 75 53 79 1 5 Symfoni A/S, Kolding, F- G ............................ Tlf. 76 33 30 00 TOT WEAR Schwarz Lausten, Herning, F- G Tlf. 96 29 32 00 Vedelsbo Tøj, Køge, G .................................. Tlf. 56 26 71 14 Yngelkram, Tølløse, F ..................................... Tlf. 59 19 45 90 08 00 Babytøj

Hindkær O A/S, Brabrand .............................. Tlf. 86 26 34 00 NCC, Hellerup ................................................. Tlf. 39 10 39 10 Rosenfeldt Marine Consult, Stubbekøbing .... Tlf. 54 43 38 30

Badekåber og housecoats

Allerups Bente Agentur, Skodsborg, G .......... Tlf. 45 89 22 17 Andersens Th Eftf, Vanløse, G-X .................. Tlf. 38 71 82 86 Bed & Bath Denmark ApS, Helsingør, G ...... Tlf. 49 21 29 00 Christensen Bent, Hellerup, G .......................Tlf. 39 62 01 23 Domestica Textil A/S, Tappernøje, F- G ........ Tlf. 55 96 56 92 Ellestad Palle Agency, Hellerup, G ............... Tlf. 39 40 11 01 Jensen-Danmark, Brande, F ........................... Tlf. 97 18 21 73 Mondo Trading, Herning, G ..........................Tlf. 97 22 24 99 Møller & Pedersen, Egå, F- G ....................... Tlf. 86 22 22 88 Rex & Holm A/S, Ulfborg, G ..........................Tlf. 97 49 21 44 Spliid Carsten Trading ApS, Allerød, G ........Tlf. 48 17 00 22 Zirena, Herning, G .........................................Tlf. 96 26 81 41 Østergaard Tonn Trikotage ApS, Kolding, F .Tlf. 75 52 32 05

MAISON BLANC APS Hellerupvej 12, 2900 Hellerup Tlf. 39 40 04 12, Fax 39 40 01 12 E-mail:


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PBH 27.183 ApS, Bording, F ......................... Tlf. 86 86 12 11 Pedersen F Lyborg ApS, Kastrup, F ............... Tlf. 32 51 31 00 Penco Import/Export, Fredericia, G ............. Tlf. 76 24 55 75 PL Beton a/s, Rønne, F .................................... Tlf. 56 96 42 17 Royal Scandinavian Bathrooms A/S, Bording, F X ..........................................................................Tlf. 86 86 22 44 Rumas A/S, Aalborg, F X ............................... Tlf. 98 18 11 55 Sani Shine Dansk Koldemaillering ApS, Hillerød, F .......................................................................... Tlf. 48 25 25 94 Sanistål A/S, Aalborg, F ................................. Tlf. 96 30 60 00 SH-Køkkenet A/S, Århus C, F ......................... Tlf. 86 11 41 13 Skov Bad & Køkken ApS, Hammel, F ........... Tlf. 86 96 34 00 Struer's Boligforbedring ApS, Taastrup, F ....Tlf. 43 52 03 30 Svedbergs i Danmark A/S, Taastrup, F ......... Tlf. 43 99 66 99 Sylvest WS A/S, Helsingør, F ....................... Tlf. 49 21 59 97 Tectum Køkkenet, København K, F ............... Tlf. 33 32 87 81 Trend Lines K/S, Gedsted, F- G ..................... Tlf. 98 64 51 15 Tuse Næs WS- og Pejsecenter, Holbæk, F- G .......................................................................... Tlf. 59 4610 06 Uni-Gulve A/S, Vejle, G ............................ „..Tlf. 75 72 3 0 00 VIPPAS, København S, F-X ........................... Tlf. 45 88 88 00 Vordingborg Køkkenet A/S, Vordingborg, F- G .......................................................................... Tlf. 55 37 21 22 V.V.S. Gaarden ApS, Sakskøbing, F ............. Tlf. 54 78 05 42

Andersens Th Eftf, Vanløse, G-X .................. Tlf. 38 71 82 86 Engstrøm Helen Sportswear ApS, Malling, F-G-X .......................................................................... Tlf. 86 9314 44 Friendtex A/S, Herning, G-X ........................ Tlf. 96 27 75 75 JB SPORT/SVØMME- SPECIALISTEN Rødovrevej 155, 2610 Rødovre Web: E-mail: JT Sport, Højbjerg, G ...................................... Tlf. Liberté A/S, Kolding, G-X .............................. Tlf. 76 31 4600 Medusa Fashion A/S, København 0, G ........ Tlf. 35 55 23 44 Mondo Trading, Herning, G .......................... Tlf. 97 22 24 99 PP INTERNATIONAL, Holte, G ..................... Tlf. 45 42 30 44 Refsgaard Lykke A/S, Struer, F- X .................. Tlf. 97 85 22 11 Rex & Holm A/S, Ulfborg, G ..: ....................... Tlf. 97 49 21 44 Triumph International textil a/s, Espergærde, G .......................................................................... Tlf. 49 12 14 11 Wiki of Denmark A/S, Herning, F-X ............. Tlf. 97 12 28 77 Wintex Textilagentur, København V, G ........ Tlf. 70 20 02 14 Østergaard Tonn Trikotage ApS, Kolding, F .Tlf. 75 52 32 05 86 27 51 85 ABC Køkkenbutikken/Gtidenåkøkkenet, Randers, F ................................................................... Tlf. 86 40 68 00 albertsen & holm as Københavnsvej 265, 4000 Roskilde Tlf. 46 75 52 22 * Fax 46 75 53 66 G Web: Aubo Interiør, Aulum, F .................. ." .............. Tlf. 97 47 35 00 Badeland, Bad & Design, Horsens, G ..........Tlf. 75 62 18 45 Biga Køkken & Bad, Vejle, G ........................ Tlf. 75 72 2 8 44 BN Produkter Danmark A/S, Uldum, F- G ....Tlf. 75 67 86 77 BROSSI ApS, Roskilde, F ............................... Tlf. 46 13 6464 Byggehjørnet Agerskov - Davidsens Tømmerhandel - Byggekram, Agerskov, G ............................... Tlf. 73 54 15 00 Christiansen Haldur Håndværkshuset ApS, Helsingør, G .......................................................................... Tlf. 49 22 00 44 Designa Køkken, Bad & Garderobe, Aalborg SV, F .......................................................................... Tlf. 98 18 75 28 Tlf. 36 72 07 07 Fax 36 41 07 07 G Badeværelser

Se også • Emblemer og medaljer

Button Boss Recru, Brøndby Strand, F ......... Tlf. 43 73 92 20 Dan-Buttons, Aalborg, F ................................ Tlf. 98 12 00 80 INLA Grafisk, Kværndrup, F ........................ Tlf. 62 27 28 72 Jensen Villy, Besætningsartikler en gros A/S, Højbjerg, G .......................................................................... Tlf. 86 27 4711 Jørgensen Engros A/S, Videbæk, F- G ........... Tlf. 97 17 55 99 Nord Team Publishing A/S, København 0, F- G \. .............................. .. ....................................... Tlf. 39150615 Rosland Jørgen Idé-Consult, Valby, F ........... Tlf. 36 30 40 47 SCan-Badge l/S Østergade 30, 8500 Grenaa Tlf. 86 32 70 06 F- G Se annonce i spalte 1705 Steka Reklame ApS, Søborg, F- G ................. Tlf. 39 55 98 00


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* 128 F = Fabrikation G = Engros og agentur S = Service X = Eksport min. 10% 129 127

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