kraks vejviser 2003-04 produkter
Davidon A/S, Aabenraa .................................... Tlf. 74 68 02 05 G T W-Automater ApS, Herlev ........................ Tlf. 44 49 56 11 Guldmands Automat Service, Århus V ............ Tlf. 86 15 68 92 Handy-Udlejning, Roskilde ............................. Tlf. 70 22 44 08 F^øgild's Automat Service ApS, Helsingør ...... Tlf. 49 21 43 20 Jack Pot Kjøbenhavns Automatservice Handelsanpartsselskabet af 15. Juni 1995, Rungsted Kyst .......................................................................... Tlf. 45 57 24 85 J B Service, Middelfart .................................... Tlf. 64 40 31 79 J K Automater ApS, Thisted ........................... Tlf. 97 92 09 25 Jydsk Automat Service, Nykøbing M ............. Tlf. 97 44 27 39 Knudsen-Automater, Hadsten ........................ Tlf. 86 91 40 55 Kolding Automat Teknik, Kolding ................... Tlf. 20 11 42 11 K R. Automater l/S, Fredericia ........................Tlf. 75 92 10 12 L. M. Automatudlejning, Stege ....................... Tlf. 55 81 84 60 Midtjydsk Automatservice A/S, Herning ........ Tlf. 9711 69 66 Nordkap Automatservice, Holstebro ............. Tlf. 97 42 58 34 A/S Renomat, Beder ........................................ Tlf. 86 93 74 44 Royal Game ApS, Brørup ............................... Tlf. 75 38 20 78 Sjællandske Automatudlejning ApS, Rødovre .......................................................................... Tlf. 70 20 31 00 Stensved Automatudlejning ApS, Stensved....Tlf. 55 38 61 41 Stevns Automatservice ApS, Lundby ............. Tlf. 55 76 76 31 Tivoli FUNNY WORLD, Haslev ....................... Tlf. 56 71 15 77 Øernes Automatservice, Søborg .................... Tlf. 39 67 21 50 Autogenbrug, København S .............................. Tlf. 32 59 42 00 Autogenbrug Kalundborg ApS, Kalundborg ...Tlf. 59 51 08 48 Autohallen - Valby ApS, Valby ......................... Tlf. 36 16 12 16 Bjerregrav Autoophug ApS, Møldrup .............. Tlf. 86 69 12 22 Brønderslev Autogenbrug ApS, Brønderslev..Tlf. 98 82 01 77 Byens Autogenbrug ApS, Ishøj ........................ Tlf. 43 73 73 04 Ditter's Autogenbrug A/S, Odense SØ ............ Tlf. 66 15 95 69 Edderup Autoophug A/S, Mariager ................. Tlf. 98 58 33 00 Gedsted Autoophug A/S, Gedsted, X ........... Tlf. 98 64 51 99 Grindsted Autogenbrug A/S, Grindsted ......... Tlf. 75 32 02 44 Gørløse Autoimport ApS, Gørløse .................. Tlf. 48 27 75 05 Hailing Autoophug, Knud KoustrupApS, Hornslet .......................................................................... Tlf. 86 99 97 77 Hammershøj Autoophug, Tjele ...................... Tlf. 86 45 16 66 Jøkers Autoophug, Ejstrupholm ...................... Tlf. 75 77 20 88 Kjellerup Autolager ApS, Kjellerup, X ........... Tlf. 86 88 20 22 Koed 3'Er Ophug, Kolind ................................ Tlf. 86 39 29 00 Midtjysk Autoophug A/S Ikast, Ikast, X ........ Tlf. 9715 51 11 Nordjydsk Autoophug A/S, Nørresundby ......Tlf. 98 17 61 44 Odder Autodele ApS, Odder ................................ Tlf. 86 54 21 55 PR Design A/S, Vissenbjerg .................................. Tlf. 64 47 35 10 Ringkøbing Autoophug ApS, Ringkøbing ....... Tlf. 97 33 52 33 Rødding Autoophug ApS, Rødding ...................... Tlf. 74 84 17 48 Sindal Autoophug A/S, Sindal, X ................... Tlf. 98 93 57 33 Sjællands Lastvognsophug A/S, Sorø, X ........ Tlf. 57 84 50 61 Slagelse Autodele ApS, Slagelse ...........................Tlf. 58 50 26 26 Slagelse Autoophug ApS, Slagelse ........................ Tlf. 58 54 42 80 Støvring Autoophug, Støvring .............................. Tlf. 98 37 36 20 Staaling John Eksport ApS, Viborg, X ........... Tlf. 86 62 53 00 Sønderjydsk Autoophug ApS, Aabenraa ........ Tlf. 74 62 68 00 Tørring Autolager ApS, Tørring ....................... Tlf. 75 80 19 44 Vojens Autoophug ApS, Vojens ............................ Tlf. 74 54 34 07 Vorbasse Autoophug ApS, Vorbasse ................... Tlf. 75 33 39 40 Autoophug Fortrinsvis virksomheder med mindst 6 ansatte
Siemens Technology Services, Lille Skensved .......................................................................... Tlf. 5616 16 16 Silkeborg El-Teknik, Silkeborg .............................. Tlf. 86 82 07 39 Simatek Export ApS, Eskebjerg ....................... Tlf. 59 29 18 17 Sinus Automation A/S, Silkeborg, X .................... Tlf. 70 23 08 08 Stricker-Service Kamstrupvej 67, 4000 Roskilde Tlf. 46 35 90 03 E-mail: Struer Elteknik ApS, Struer .............................. Tlf. 97 84 08 16 SVM Automatik, Silkeborg ..............................Tlf. 87 22 80 20 System TM A/S, Odder, X .............................. Tlf. 86 54 33 55 TACA/S
MICRO TECHNIC A-S Smedevænget 5, 5560 Aarup Tlf. 6615 30 00, Fax 66 15 30 77
E-mail: • Industri PC ’ ere/-terminaler • PC/104 kort • Remote/telemetri datalogger, RTU • Distribueret I/O Se tillige opslag under Elektronikmontage micro technic
Hørkær 12 B, 2730 Herlev Tlf. 44 8812 12 Fax 44 88 13 13 E-mail: Web:
66 15 30 OO
Team Online A/S, Odense C ........................... Tlf. 66 17 73 13 Techno-Matic A/S, Aars ................................... Tlf. 96 98 77 11 Technodan A/S, Støvring ................................. Tlf. 98 37 27 88 Teknek Automation A/S, Odense C, X .......... Tlf. 63 13 32 00
.Tlf. 43 44 00 11 ■Tlf. 97 15 33 44
Omron Electronics A/S, Glostrup ....... Optomatic Styringselektronik, Ikast ... Orbital ApS Trykkerivej 5, 6900 Skjern Tlf. 97 35 24 22, Fax 97 35 32 85 E-mail: Web:
TEKNIKON A/S Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma Lautrupvang 3 A, 2750 Ballerup Tlf. 44 53 78 60, Fax 44 53 78 63 E-mail: Web:
f ORBITAL * a? Wyjyy • Vindmøllestyringer • Profibus • Styretavler
Telemedia A/S, Aalborg Øst ............................ Tlf. 96 35 45 00 Thiim C A/S Transformervej 31,2730 Herlev
Tlf. 44 85 80 00 Fax 44 85 80 05
• PLC styringer • Automatisering
E-mail: Web: Time-Vibration ved C.A. Teknik, Kastrup .......Tlf. 32 51 18 25 TNV-electronic A/S Industrivej 3 A, 8660 Skanderborg E-mail: Web: TPU -Teknologi & Produkt Udvikling A/S, Holte, X ..........................................................................Tlf. 45 46 08 08 3Tech Automation A/S, Fredericia .................. Tlf. 70 26 20 50 Tricon Techsoft A/S, Kolding ........................... Tlf. 79 33 00 50 Unimation ApS, Tønder ................................... Tlf. 74 72 05 02 Univeyor A/S, Arden, X ................................... Tlf. 99 40 00 00 VA Teknik A/S, Nørresundby, X .................... Tlf. 98 17 89 00 VengSystem, Roslev ........................................ Tlf. 97 59 20 72 Viking International/Viking EL, Skanderborg ..Tlf. 86 51 08 99 Vision Automation A/S, Birkerød, X .............. Tlf. 45 82 58 25 vitek vibrationsteknik aps, Kastrup .................. Tlf. 32 52 72 00 VS Automatic ApS, Horsens ............................ Tlf. 75 64 18 99 YORK Refrigeration, Marine & Controls ApS, Viby J, X .......................................................................... Tlf. 87 36 35 00 Automatiske kontrolapparater Se • Kontrolapparater, automatiske Automatudlejning AKLApS, Tommerup ............................................Tlf. 66 19 00 03 Andersen og Langfeldt A/S, Beder ..................Tlf. 86 93 77 11 B. M. Automater ApS, Vejle .................................. Tlf. 75 83 36 54 C. A. H. Automatservice ApS, Herlev ............ Tlf. 44 53 94 02 Carsten's Automat - Service, Esbjerg V .......... Tlf. 75 46 04 46 Cirkus Panik, Brønshøj ..........................................Tlf. 38 28 26 62 Tlf. 86 57 00 22 Fax 86 57 00 70 X
Ottomatic, Espergærde ................................... Tlf. 70 22 43 53 PEHAMA PRODUCTION A/S, Nordborg ....... Tlf. 74 45 04 08 Picca Automation A/S, Søborg ........................ Tlf. 39 53 73 00 Preut El Teknik, Kerteminde ........................... Tlf. 65 32 10 80 Pro/Automatic A/S, Holsted ............................ Tlf. 75 39 11 00 Pro-Consult A/S, Lejre ...................................... Tlf. 46 48 20 60 PRO INVENT A/S TEKNOLOGIUDVIKLING Lyngsø Allé 3 E-mail: Web: Udvikling og levering af produktionssystemer Levering af turnkey projekter inden for industriel automatisering Projektering og programmering af proces styringer og maskinstyringer Systemintegrator af industrirobotter Systemløsninger i servoteknologi Udvikling af specialrobotter Projektledelse Udvikling og konstruktion af mekaniske produkter 66 08 33 P S Elektrik, Farum ............................................Tlf. 44 95 51 51 QteC, Rødekro, X ............................................ Tlf. 73 66 21 00 Rask El Service ApS, Holeby ............................ Tlf. 54 60 60 55 RG Consult ApS, Ringsted ............................... Tlf. 57 67 13 00 Rimbøl Teknik l/S, Grindsted .......................... Tlf. 76 72 02 70 Rockwell Automation A/S Herstedøstervej 27-29, 2620 Albertslund Tlf. 43 46 60 00 Web: Saluansvar Sakforsakrings Aktiebolag Sverige Udenlandsk Aktieselskab, Taastrup .................................... Tlf. 70 12 13 00 Scan-Tech Maskiner A/S, Skanderborg, X ..... Tlf. 87 93 32 30 ScanAutomation ApS, Glostrup ...................... Tlf. 70 20 40 95 Schneider Electric A/S Danmark, Ballerup .... Tlf. 44 73 78 88 Semco Danmark A/S, Brøndby ....................... Tlf. 43 22 11 00 ServoTech A/S af 01.01.98, Vejle ................... Tlf. 79 42 80 80 Siemens A/S Borupvang 3, 2750 Ballerup Tlf. 44 77 44 77 Web: 2970 Hørsholm Tlf. 45 7610 01 Fax 45 7610 02 PS Automatic, Smørum ....................................Tlf. 44
Aabenraa Autogenbrug Flensborgvej 342, 6200 Aabenraa Tlf. 74 61 41 10, Fax 74 61 41 64
E-mail: Web:
Aabenraa AutoGenbrug • Autoophug • Reservedele
Aadum Autoophug A/S, Tarm .......................... Tlf. 96 48 78 00
Autopleje Fortrinsvis virksomheder med mindst 6 ansatte
Anti Rust Bondovej, Odense SV ...................... Tlf. 66 17 44 45 Anti-Rust Center, Roskilde ApS, Roskilde ...... Tlf. 46 35 01 37 Antirust Centret Horsens A/S, Horsens .......... Tlf. 75 64 79 77 Autohuset Vestergaard A/S, Kolding ............... Tlf. 75 52 7255 Autolak i Ballerup ApS, Ballerup ...................... Tlf. 44 65 38 49 B & K Service A/S, Padborg .............................. Tlf. 74 67 02 00 Bilkvik A/S, Helsinge ......................................... Tlf. 48 79 48 10 Bilplejegruppen i Odense ApS, Odense V .... Tlf. 66 12 27 00 CAD din bilpartner, Ballerup ........................... Tlf. 44 66 66 11 Car Care Franchising A/S, Odense V .............. Tlf. 66 12 48 59 Cleantech, Ruds Vedby .................................... Tlf. 58 2615 00 108
COFFEE BREAK APS Baldershøj 17 B, 2635 Ishøj Tlf. 70 22 98 98 Se annonce i spalte 989
Coolex Automater Øst, Hørsholm .................. Tlf. 45 76 44 96 Dangame Automater ApS, Rødovre ................ Tlf. 36 70 05 99 Dansk Party Service A/S, Ballerup .................. Tlf. 44 68 05 01 Darums Automatservice, Randers ............. ....Tlf. 86 42 87 00 107
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