kraks vejviser 2003-04 produkter
Høgh Biler /VS, Odense S .................................... Tlf. 66 12 33 33 Høi-Nielsen Erling A/S, Sønderborg ..................... Tlf. 74 43 20 00 Høybys Bil Center A/S, Birkerød ...........................Tlf. 45 81 78 08 HAARGAARD A A/S, Vejle ..................................... Tlf. 75 85 78 88 Ikast Automobiler A/S, Ikast ............................ Tlf. 97 15 26 11 Indkilde Auto A/S, Aalborg SV ......................... Tlf. 96 34 10 20 Isaksen Automobiler A/S, Middelfart ................... Tlf. 64 41 41 47 Iveco Danmark A/S, Kastrup ................................ Tlf. 32 52 52 00 Iveco København, Glostrup .................................. Tlf. 44 52 0566 Iveco - Villy Sølvsten, Holstebro ...........................Tlf. 96 10 10 10 Iversen Martin ApS, Sønderborg .......................... Tlf. 74 42 43 00 Jacobil A/S, Birkerød ............................................. Tlf. 70 80 86 60 Jaguar-Danmark A/S Bryggervangen 39, Postboks 2630 2100 København 0 Jakobsen Jørgen A/S, Silkeborg ........................ Tlf. 86 82 23 22 Jensen Gert Auto A/S, Farum .......................... Tlf. 44 95 41 00 Jensen I M A/S, Aabenraa ............................... Tlf. 74 62 13 55 Jensen Leif Nielsen A/S, Næstved .................. Tlf. 55 72 31 13 Jensen N O A/S, Aalborg ................................. Tlf. 98 12 76 11 Jensen V Holm A/S, Odense SØ .................... Tlf . 66 12 13 14 Jespersen Martin & Søn Automobiler A/S, Frederikshavn .......................................................................... Tlf. 98 42 44 44 Jessen & Gildberg A/S, Haderslev ................... Tlf. 74 52 46 00 Johansen Ivan Bilar, 110 Térshavn .......... Tlf. 00 298 31 36 66 Junker Jens Hillerød AS, Hillerød ...................Tlf. 48 26 86 22 Jydsk Automobil Centrum A/S, Randers........ Tlf. 86 42 77 00 29 12 33 Kalundborg Motor Co. A/S, Kalundborg ....... Tlf. 59 51 25 60 Karvil Biler A/S, Odense SV ............................ Tlf. 66 17 00 80 KIA Motors A/S, Fredericia ............................. Tlf. 75 92 25 44 Kjeldsmark Bo Automobiler A/S, Rødovre ...... Tlf. 36 41 4000 Kjerulff Gustav A/S, Slagelse, Slagelse .......... Tlf. 58 52 08 15 Kjerulff Gustav Holding ApS, Slagelse .......... Tlf. 58 52 08 15 Kjær I Holding A/S, Svendborg ...................... Tlf. 62 21 23 23 Kjær & Kjær A/S, Svendborg, X ..................... Tlf. 62 22 11 11 Kjær N. Bilcentret A/S, Svendborg ................. Tlf. 62 21 23 23 Kjærgaarden Auto A/S, Ølstykke ................... Tlf. 47 17 80 52 Kjærsgaard Auto, Aalborg A/S, Aalborg ........ Tlf. 98 13 71 00 Kjærsgaard S D, Automobiler A/S, Aalborg SV .......................................................................... Tlf. 98 18 36 00 Kjølbye & Vejvad Automobiler A/S, Herning..Tlf. 97 26 87 77 Kling-Petersen Leif Holding ApS, Kolding ..... Tlf. 75 52 71 11 Kling-Petersen Leif, Kolding ApS, Kolding ..... Tlf. 75 52 71 11 Kløver Auto A/S, Aalborg Øst ..........................Tlf. 98 16 54 00 Knudsen Benny Automobiler A/S, Glostrup ...Tlf. 43 96 70 33 Koch Automobiler A/S, Århus V ...................... Tlf. 86 75 46 00 Kolding Biler A/S, Kolding ............................... Tlf. 75 52 37 88 Krogsgaard-Jensen Automobiler A/S, Gentofte .......................................................................... Tlf. 39 75 00 00 Krogsgaard-Jensen Holding A/S, Gentofte .... Tlf. 39 65 09 10 Kronborg Auto A/S VW Audi Helsingør, Helsingør .......................................................................... Tlf. 49 22 21 44 Kronsbjerg S E A/S, Odense NV ..................... Tlf. 66 12 51 22 Køge Bilcenter ApS, Køge ...............................Tlf. 56 65 20 01 Køge Bilhus A/S, Peugeot Køge/Solrød, Køge .Tlf. 56 64 00 00 Larsen C A Automobiler A/S, Odense NV ...... Tlf. 66 16 48 16 Lassen Michael Automobiler A/S, København N .......................................................................... Tlf. 46 91 1911 Lastvogn & Trailer Center, Nørresundby A/S, Nørresundby .......................................................................... Tlf. 98 17 43 00 Laursen Jørgen, Viborg A/S, Viborg .................. Tlf. 86 62 56 11 Lindals Biler A/S, Kastrup ............................... ;.TIf. 32 52 3700 Lindberg William T A/S, Esbjerg V ................... Tlf. 75 15 05 00 LKJ BILER A/S, Vejen ......................................... Tlf. 76 96 33 33 Lund Harry A/S, Aabenraa ................................ Tlf. 74 62 62 01 Lund & Olsen A/S, Birkerød ............................. Tlf. 45 81 07 06 Man Ejby/Odense A/S, Odense SV .................. Tlf. 63 46 12 50 Manniche Jens A/S, Brøndby ........................... Tlf. 70 15 8040 Mathiesen Ole Biler A/S, Taastrup ................... Tlf. 43 99 40 45 Mazda Automobiler, Birthe og Mogens Kloe ApS, Frederikssund .................................................... Tlf. 47 31 3907 Meiniche l/S, Holstebro ................................... Tlf. 97 42 30 33 Meldgaard Ole A/S, Herning ........................... Tlf. 97 12 50 11 Melfar Bil-Center A-S, Middelfart .................... Tlf. 63 41 50 70 Mercedes-Benz København AS (erhvervscenter), Herlev .......................................................................... Tlf. 44 85 57 57 Mercedes-Benz Reinhard Nielsen Herfølge a/s, Herfølge .......................................................................... Tlf. 56 25 08 20 Midtvejs Auto A/S, Fjerritslev ............................... Tlf. 98 21 54 22 Mitsubishi Bellahøj, København NV .................... Tlf. 38 34 4000 Monk's Automobiler A/S, Brøndby ...................... Tlf. 43 20 9000 Motor-Depotet A/S, Viby J .................................... Tlf. 86 28 2400 Møli Brødrene A/S, Hjørring ................................. Tlf. 98 92 40 88 Mørch Automobiler A/S, Nørresundby .......... Tlf. 96 32 22 22 Nellémann Randers A/S, Randers ................... Tlf. 70 10 00 11 Nielsen A/S, Herning Bjarne, Herning ............. Tlf. 96 26 24 68 Nielsen Johnny Vejlebo ApS, Holbæk ............. Tlf. 59 44 34 44 Nielsen Knud A/S, Hillerød .................................... Tlf. 48 26 2323 Nielsen Peter, Vejle, A/S, Vejle ............................. Tlf. 75 85 78 44 Tlf. 39 27 22 11 Fax 39 27 22 50 E-mail: Web: Jørgensen Knud Automobiler A/S, København 0, X .......................................................................... Tlf. 39
Aunsbjerg Nielsen A/S, Kolding ........................... Tlf. 75 50 40 66 Auto-Centralen Kolding ApS, Kolding ............ Tlf. 75 50 12 00 Auto-Centralen, Aalborg A/S, Aalborg ............ Tlf. 98 13 87 77 Auto-Forum Roskilde AS, Roskilde ...................... Tlf. 46 74 07 50 Auto-House Koge A/S, Køge .................................Tlf. 56 63 3244 Auto-Huset Haderslev A/S, Haderslev ........... Tlf. 74 52 41 00 Auto Lindvang A/S, Aabenraa ...............................Tlf. 74 62 1333 Auto Trend Aalborg A/S, Aalborg ......................... Tlf. 98 16 55 55 Autobørsen Roskilde A/S, Roskilde ......................Tlf. 46 38 00 40 Autocentret Roskilde A/S, Roskilde ..................... Tlf. 46 75 78 31 Autodania Bilcenter A/S, Valby .............................Tlf. 36 44 4546 Autoforhandler Mogens Schelde Hansen, Rødding A/S, Rødding ..................................................................Tlf. 74 84 12 00 Autoforum Esbjerg A/S, Esbjerg ........................... Tlf. 76 13 4700 Autogaarden Fredericia A/S, Fredericia .......... Tlf. 76 20 30 60 Autogården Rønne A/S, Rønne ............................ Tlf. 56 95 10 22 A/S Autogården Thisted, Thisted .................... Tlf. 96 17 85 00 Autohallen Kalundborg A/S, Kalundborg ........Tlf. 59 51 09 82 Autohuset Glostrup A/S, Glostrup ....................... Tlf. 43 96 55 00 autohuset l/S, Nykøbing F .....................................Tlf. 54 82 21 00 Autohuset Vestergaard A/S, Kolding ....................Tlf. 75 52 72 55 Automobilfirmaet Im. Stiholt A/S, Thisted ...... Tlf. 97 92 24 88 Automobilfirmaet Jørgen Kjær A/S, Esbjerg V Tlf. 75 11 61 33 Automobilforretningen Vulcan, Silkeborg A/S, Silkeborg .......................................................................... Tlf. 86 82 00 33 Automobilhuset A/S, Opel Kolding, Kolding ..Tlf. 75 52 01 44 Autoparken Herning A/S, Herning ................... Tlf. 97 26 72 22 Avis Biludlejning, København SV .....................Tlf. 33 26 80 00 Bache A/S, Tiist ................................................. Tlf. 87 45 33 99 Bak & Hansen Bil A/S, Odense S ..................... Tlf. 70 13 81 81 Bakke Auto A/S, Esbjerg 0 ............................... Tlf. 75 14 11 88 Bekker Bent Automobiler A/S, København NV .......................................................................... Tlf. 38 15 52 33 Bendtsen Edvard Personvogne A/S, Herning..Tlf. 96 26 62 00 Bering A/S, Sæby ............................................. Tlf. 98 46 12 99 Bertelsen Biler A/S, Vanløse .......................... Tlf. 38 74 10 00 Bil Center Syd A/S, Nykøbing F ..................... Tlf. 54 85 06 00 Bil-Centrum, Lars Schou-Jensen A/S, Herning .......................................................................... Tlf. 97 21 02 00 Bil-Go i Køge A/S, Køge ......................................... Tlf. 56 65 02 72 Bilcentret A Nielsen A/S, Bogense ....................... Tlf. 64 81 10 50 Bilcentret Charlottenlund A/S, Charlottenlund .......................................................................... Tlf. 39 64 27 00 Bilcentret Peer Glad A/S, Kalundborg ............ Tlf. 59 51 10 64 Bilforum Horsens A/S, Horsens ........................... Tlf. 75 62 6000 Bilforum Nordsjælland A/S, Hillerød ...................Tlf. 48 24 1924 Bilhuset - Bornholm A/S, Rønne .......................... Tlf. 56 95 0804 Bilhuset Haldrup (Lars Haldrup Petersen A/S), Randers ..........................................................................Tlf. 86 42 78 00 Bilhuset Hjørring A/S, Hjørring ............................. Tlf. 98 92 68 00 Bilhuset Hjørring A/S, Hjørring ............................. Tlf. 98 92 68 00 Bilhuset-Nexø A/S, Nexø ....................................... Tlf. 56 49 22 52 Vi sælger Erhvervsbiler, Personbiler, Nye biler og Brugte biler, Vi laver reparation & service. Her ud over, tilbyder vi både finansiering og leasing. Bilhuset Randers A/S ® TOYOTA Bilhuset, Ronald Carlsen Odense A/S, Odense S .......................................................................... Tlf. 65 95 77 78 Bilhuset Roskilde l/S, Roskilde .............................Tlf. 46 35 45 72 Bilhuset Tåstrup A/S, Taastrup .............................Tlf. 43 35 00 70 Bilia Lastvogne A/S, Aalborg Øst .................... Tlf. 98 15 95 22 Bilia Personvogne A/S, Brøndby .......................... Tlf. 43 29 2900 Bin2Bil A/S, Holbæk ............................................. Tlf. 59 43 11 01 Blumensaat Niels A/S, Silkeborg ........................... Tlf. 86 82 41 88 Borne PA/S, Sønderborg ....................................... Tlf. 74 42 11 60 Brande Motor Compagni A/S, Brande .............Tlf. 97 18 08 11 Brdr. Clausen Automobiler - Fiat Holbæk A/S, Holbæk .......................................................................... Tlf. 59 44 50.50 Brøndum Automobiler A/S, Ballerup ................... Tlf. 44 97 06 34 Bukkehave A/S, Svendborg, X ....................... Tlf. 63 21 21 21 Bus Center Vest A/S, Kolding ............................... Tlf. 75 51 72 00 Byrgesens Auto A/S, Odense SV ..................... Tlf. 66 17 37 11 Bøje & Brøchner A/S, Vejle ................................... Tlf. 75 82 60 00 Bøtteher & Gaardsøe A/S, Helsinge ..................... Tlf. 48 77 70 00 Bøtteher og Gaardsøe Frederissund A/S, Frederikssund ..........................................................................Tlf. 47 37 77 77 Christensen Arne, Hvidovre ............................. Tlf. 35 81 12 01 Christensen P, Kolding A/S, Kolding ............... Tlf. 76 34 78 00 Christensen P Odense A/S, Odense S ............. Tlf. 63 95 39 00 Christensen Per B & Co A/S, Silkeborg ...........Tlf. 87 22 10 10 Christensen Per B, Århus Syd, Mazda/Suzuki, Højbjerg .......................................................................... Tlf. 87 37 38 39 Christensens Svend Autohus A/S, København SV .......................................................................... Tlf. 3619 02 00 CITROEN CENTER BIRKERØD, Birkerød ....... Tlf. 45 81 15 73 BILHUSET RANDERS A/S Kristrupvej 168, 8900 Randers Tlf. 89 11 33 33, Fax 89 11 33 20 E-mail: Web:
Citroen Danmark A/S, København SV ............ Tlf. 36 18 02 00 Citroen, Henrik Larsen Automobiler, Albertslund .......................................................................... Tlf. 43 64 64 00 CITROEN HERLEV Ole Richardt A/S Herlev Hovedgade 50, 2730 Herlev E-mail: Web: Aut. Citroen forhandler Citroen Hillerød, Hillerød ................................ Tlf. 48 26 00 60 Citroen Horsens, Horsens ...............................Tlf. 79 27 72 00 Dahl Brdr. Automobiler A/S, Struer ................ Tlf. 97 85 17 00 Dahl Fritz Biler ApS, Skive ................................Tlf. 97 52 91 11 Dam Erik A/S, Risskov ...................................... Tlf. 86 17 71 00 Damgaard-Nielsen Automobiler A/S, Allerød.TIf. 70 23 09 01 Dana Dalum Motor Compagni A/S af 1985, Svendborg .......................................................................... Tlf. 62 21 63 30 Daugaard Biler, Gladsaxe A/S, Søborg ............Tlf. 39 67 26 22 D.B. BILAR P/F Jonas Broncks gøta 15,100 Térshavn, Postboks 1079, FO-1 10 Torshavn, Færøerne Tlf. 00 298 31 06 00 Fax 00 298 31 06 50 E-mail: Dieselhuset A/S, Silkeborg ...............................Tlf. 86 82 21 44 Djarlo Benny Automobiler A/S, Nivå ............... Tlf. 49 14 43 00 Due Gunner A/S, Køge.....................................Tlf. 56 65 34 00 Due Max A/S, Køge ........................................... Tlf. 56 65 68 00 Egå Autohandel /VS, Risskov ........................... Tlf. 86 17 55 00 Ejlertsen Kim Automobiler A/S, København NV .......................................................................... Tlf. 38 33 40 04 Ellekjær Johan W, Hvidovre ............................ Tlf. 36 34 40 80 Elmer Mogens A/S, Kastrup ............................ Tlf. 32 51 90 90 Engstrøm Sven A/S, København N ................. Tlf. 35 30 00 00 ERA BILER A/S - Toyota Helsinge, Helsinge....Tlf. 48 79'52 20 Eriksen Finn Allan Automobiler A/S, Århus V .Tlf. 86 24 75 00 EvoBus Danmark A/S, Ringsted ...................... Tlf. 57 66 62 00 FEHRV&CO. A/S Svendborgvej 90, Postboks 99, 5260 Odense S Tlf. 44 91 17 00 Fax 44 91 12 88 Fiat/Bilhuset Birkerød l/S, Birkerød ................. Tlf. 45 81 13 43 Fiat i Ribe ved C B Auto Ribe ApS, Ribe .........Tlf. 75 42 36 11 Fog Mogens A/S BMW Forhandler, Birkerød .Tlf. 45 81 18 19 Ford i Viby Århus Motor Compagni A/S, Viby J .......................................................................... Tlf. 86 28 28 22 Ford i Aabenraa, Aabenraa .............................. Tlf. 74 62 30 08 Ford Nykøbing Sj. O.P. Tamstorf), Nykøbing Sj .......................................................................... Tlf. . 59 91 14 00 Fredericia Automobilhandel A/S, Fredericia...Tlf. 75 92 02 11 Frederiksen F O A/S, Holbæk .......................... Tlf. 59 43 13 13 Frederiksen Hans Automobiler, Kalundborg..Tlf. 59 51 20 20 Frederiksen Mogens Automobiler A/S, Odense V .......................................................................... Tlf. 66 11 55 55 Frimann Biler A/S, Nykøbing F ....................... Tlf. . 54 85 98 00 Fåborg Bilcenter Henrik Nielsen, Faaborg ..... Tlf. 62 61 90 60 Geertsen A/S, Ringsted .................................. Tlf. 57 61 03 05 Golier Auto & Diesel A/S, Vejen .................... Tlf. 75 36 17 77 Gravesen Automobiler A/S, Dronninglund .... Tlf. 98 84 12 22 Greulich Victor Eftf. A/S, Kgs. Lyngby ............. Tlf. 45 88 66 00 Greve Bys Auto A/S, Greve .............................. Tlf. 43 61 01 40 Grønne Nielsen A/S, Silkeborg... ..................... Tlf. 87 23 55 00 Grønne Nielsen A/S, Silkeborg ........................ Tlf. 86 83 61 00 Guldbech Arne A/S, Vanløse ........................... Tlf. 38 77 03 00 Hadsten Motor Compagni A/S, Hadsten ....... Tlf. 86 98 08 77 Hansen Allan Automobiler A/S, Daugård ...... Tlf. 75 89 51 11 Hansen Automobiler A/S Henrik, Næstved....Tlf. 55 77 40 41 Hansen Børge Automobiler A/S, Skanderborg .......................................................................... Tlf. 87 94 15 00 Hansen Erik Automobiler, Odense A/S, Odense M ..........................................................................Tlf. 6615 60 01 Hansen G Bech A/S, Ringkøbing ..................... Tlf. 97 32 12 00 Hansen Morten Automobiler A/S, Næstved...Tlf. 55 72 15 15 Hansen Pierre Automobiler l/S, Frederikssund .......................................................................... Tlf. 47 31 02 87 Hartmann John Automobiler, Glostrup ...........Tlf. 43 43 43 83 Hedegaard Biler A/S, Herning ......................... Tlf. 97 22 03 11 Hedegaard Oluf Brønderslev ApS, Brønderslev .......................................................................... Tlf. 98 82 06 55 Helle Auto A/S, Silkeborg .................................Tlf. 86 82 46 00 Helsinge Bilcenter A/S, Helsinge .....................Tlf. 48 79 51 36 Henriksen Jørgen Mark, Gug, Aalborg SØ .... Tlf. 98 14 16 11 Hessel Ejner A/S, Brande .................................. Tlf. 72 11 61 00 Hillerød Motor Co. A/S, Hillerød ..................... Tlf. 48 26 15 15 HMBJ A/S, Roskilde .......................................... Tlf. 46 33 04 00 Holbæk Autolager ApS, Holbæk ..................... Tlf. 59 43 11 01 Horskjær Automobiler A/S, Silkeborg ............. Tlf. 86 82 15 99 Hosbond Brdr. A/S, Hjørring ........................... Tlf. 98 92 58 33 Hvalsø Søren Automobiler A/S, København S ............ ............................................................. Tlf. 32 59 46 11 Tlf. 6614 14 14 Fax 6614 8014 E-mail: Web:
92 93 F = Fabrikation G = Engros og agentur S = Service X= Eksport min. 10% 91
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