kraks vejviser 1991 registrerede selskaber
6 Selskabstyper Registered Firms in Denmark
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Containing 107.500 firms registered in the Danish Commerce and Compagnies Agency and the Trade Registers.
Translations Aktieselskab (Akts. A/S) A.m.b.A. Andelskasse Andelsselskab Anpartsselskab (ApS) Bifirmaer Co. Filial Firma (Frm.) Fond Generalagentur Interessentskab (l/S) I likvidation Kommanditselskab (K/S) Sparekasse Aktiekapital (Aktk.)
Public limited company Ltd. Co-operative savingsbank Co-operative company Private limited company Other registered names Company Branch Firm Foundation (commercial) General Agency
Partnership Liquidation Limited Partnership
Savingsbank Share capital
Registered capital Capital (Account) Contributed capital Management Board of directors Member of board of directors Successor
Garantikapital Grundkapital Indskudskapital (Indsk.Kap.) Direktion Bestyrelse (Best.) Bestyrelsesmedlem (Best.medl.)
Efterfølger (Eftf.) Formand (Fmd.) Likvidator Næstformand (Nfmd.) Sekr. Forr.før. Indehaver
Chairman Liquidator Deputy Chairman Secretary General Manager Proprietor Partners The signature of _____ binds the firm Authority to bind the firm
Interessenter Frm. tegnes af Prokura (Prok.)
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