kraks vejviser 1969 handelskalender
English Index
to the headings of Register of Goods and Professions
A battoirs, public 6580 Academ ies of music 4935 Account books 5720 Accum ulator acid 65 - m anufacture, Ia rtid e s for 61 A ccum ulators 60 Acetylene 5 Additives, oil 5140 A ddressing bureaus 10 - machines 15 Adhesive tape 3715, 6260, 6261 A dm inistration offices 3245 A dvertisem ent boards, letting 5570 - designing, 5945 - signs, electric 1560 A dvertising agencies 135, 5920 - articles 5915 - photography 5930 Aeroplanes 1990 A erosols 25 A gar-A gar 45 Å gricultural colleges 4250 - im plem ents 2890 - machinery 4245, 4246 A ir conditioning plants 4390 A ir traffic 4395 Akvavit 70 A labaster ware 75 Alcohol m anufacturers 6860 Aluminium 80 - construction for the buildingindustry 87 - foil 85 - goods 95 - roofing 90 - Windows 100 Amber 5860 Ambulance planes 105 Ammonia 110 Ammunition 115 Ampoules, glass 2515 Amusement park, equipment and arrangem ents 2065 - welding outfit 190 A rm atures 200-201 A rm s 8439-8441 A rt 4046 - industrial & handicraft 4050 A rt auctions 4025 - dealers 4040 - m etal sm ithries 4075 - publishers 4035 - schools 7545 A rtificial flowers 640 A sbestos 205 - articles 205 Asphalte 210-11 Auctioneers 215,220 - F ish -; licensed 1850 Auctions, art 4025 Audit 6005, 6006 Autoclaves 223 Auto cycles 3735, 3736 Automatic6 for gas-heating 2432 Automation 235 Auto safeguarding fence 300 Automobile, see M otorcar Average agents 2860 Aviation equipment 1990 Awnings 4615 Baby foods 955 - linen 970 Background m usic installations 358 Bacon factories 7235 - construction and projecting of 7237 Badges 1665 Badminton articles 340 Bags 7330 - Coffee. filtering 3405 Anchors & Chain cables 125 Aniline colours & dyes 120 Antlbiotics 140 Applied art, schools of 4055 A ppraisers 7420 Aprons 2055 A quariat dealers 2280 A rchitects 195, 196 Argon 185
Baking ovens 345 - powder 350 Balancing machines 30 Baling presses 5535 Ball bearings 4010 Ball point pens 2300-2302 B aluster canes 370
B ridles, cattle 3940 B riquettes 820-821 Broken stones 6575 B rokers 4950 Bronze articles 845
C eram ics 3605 Chain cables &. anchors 125 Chain wheels 4120
Chains 4120 - C attle 3940 Chairs 7000 Chalk 3965
- bearings 838 - founders 840 B rushes 980, 981 - m anufacturers, raw m aterials, articles & m achinery for 983 - Steel 7110 - Tooth 7440, 7441 B u ild ers' hardw are 930 Building m aterials 925 - - fire-proof 3155 Building societies 1485 - ventilators 933 Bulbs 645 B utchers 6585 B utter 6670-6672 - colour 6680 Buttons 3740 Cabinet m akers 6690 - - sundries for 6695 Cable, electric 3370 Cadmium plating 1010 C afeteria 1015 Cakers 3412 Calcium chloride 3700 Calculating m achines 5895 Calico printings 3560 - - articles for 3565 C alorim eters 3460, 8160 Camping reqiusites 6855-6857 Candles 4445 - Stearine 6925 Cane and cane articles 6770 - furniture 380 Canes, baluster 370 Canoes 3415 Canteen furniture 3480 Canvas 6240
Bamboo 375 Bananas 385 Bandages, surgical 390 Bankers 400 Banks 395 - Savings 6780 B arom eters 425 B arreis 7940 B arrel hoops 7935 B arriste rs 20 BaBt 430 - straw 435 Bath arrangem ents, Finnish 343 Bathing articles 330 - establishm ent 325 B atteries, dry 7945 B attery charging depots 4200 Bearing m aterials 4280 Bedding 6275, 6276 Beds 6273 Bee keepers ' supplies 525 B eer 8505 Bicycles 1165, 1167, 1168 Bijouterie 535 B illard tables & requisites 540 B inder twine 3125 Binoculars 3610 Bird dealers 2280 - seed 2275 - stuffing 2285 B iscuit 565-67, 3615 Blacking & shoe polish 6475 Blankets 7915, 7917, 7918 - electric heated 1593 Blocks, ship 6370 Biood albumen 620 ' - m eal 625 - plasm a 630 Blouses 655 Boats 990-991 - Rubber 2745 - services 2321 B oiler cleaning 3575, 3576 Bolts 745-746 Bookbinders 680 Bookkeeping equipment 695 - m achines 700 - system s 795 Books 690 - second-hand 145 Boot & shoe m achinery & supplies 6510 Boots & shoes 6500, 6501, 6502 Borax 775 Bottle capsules 1960 Bottles 1965 Bouillon-cubes 780 Bowling-alleys & accessories 783 Box m frs. 8495 - articles for 8496 Boy's clothing 1345 Brake m aterials 810 B rass 4755 - foundries 4793 B raziers 2820 B read factories 883 - wrappings 875 Breeding anim als 320 B rew eries 860 - m achines & equipment for 861 B rew ers' yeast 830 B rick making machines 7530 B rick works 7525 - articles for 7526 B ricklayers 4905 B ricks 4910 - Dog 3020 B itters 570 Blowpipc cutting 7230 Blueprint paper 4455 Boarding schools 3930 Boat m otors 995 Bell foundries 3695 B elis, electric 1575 Belts 935-937 Bicycle accessories 1160 - enamelling 1135
- Feeding 2010 Chamois 8205 Chandeliers 4440 C harcoal 7805 C hartering agents 440 Charts 7355
Chasing 1115 Checks 3855 Cheese 5250, 5252, 5253 - P rocessed 6660 Cheese colour 5255 - wax 5265 Chem ical apparatus 3585 - laboratories 3600 - products 3580 - works 3595 Chem icals 3590 - grinding of 2075 Chemi8ts 156, 4695 C hem ists' sundries 157 Cheque protectographs 1085 Chess articles 6350 Chewing gum 7895 - tobacco3 6550 C h ild ren 's furniture 415 - ready-m ade clothing 965-967 Chimney turncaps 6085 Chimneys & Chimney bu ilders 6495 China 5655, 5656, 5650 - clay 3485 - painting and firing 5665 - rep airers 4060 Chinese goods 3625 Chip boards 6887 C hiropractors 3640 Chocolate & chocolate goods 1090-93 - - - production, m achinery & sundries for 1092 - milk 1095 C hristm as tree decorations 3350 C hristm as trees 3345 Chromium plating 2060 Church appliances 3635 Cider 2240, 4855 Cigar boxes 1105 C igarettes 1100 C igars 7665,7667,7668 Cinders 3790 Cinemas 560 Circus establishm ents 1110 Cladding, external 1715 C lassification of ship3 6385 Clay sew er pipes 4285 Clean towel supply 6725 Cleaning 5970 - boiler 3575,3576 - Facade 1722 - Sewer 3690 Cleaning m eans, industrial 5975 - rags 5745 Cleansing means 5980, 8185 Clinics 3670, 3671 Clock installations, electric 1585 - m aterial 8060 C lothiers 2905, 2906 Clothing, casual 2203 Clothing, ready-M ade 3815 Clothing, W aterproof- 5905, 5906 Clutches & couplings 3775 Coal 4015-4017 Cod, dried 3675 Cod liver oil 4300 Code calling system s 5500 Coffee 3380-3382 - filtering bags 3405 - filters and strain ers 3390 - m iils 3400 - substitute 3385, 3410 - urns 3395 Coffins 4310, 4311 Coir yarn 3780 Coke 3790 Clocks 8060 - Tim e 3865 - T u rret 7995 Clogs 7840 - nails for 7845 ' Clothes, grave- 4315 Clothes racks 7975
- lam ps 1140 - locks 1145 - stands 1155 x - tyres 1130
- p ain ters' 4550 Caps 2995, 2996 Capsules 3495 - Bottle 1960 C ar see m otorcar Caravan parking 1025 Caravans 1020 Carbide of calcium 3500 Carbides, sintered 3135 Carbolineum 3505 Carbonic acid gas 4020 Carborundum 1035 Cardboard 5335 - Corrugated 950 Cardboard articles 3530 - cutting 5400 - packing 5345 Card indexes 3535 - tables 6825 Cargo pallets 4265 - superintendence 3860 Carm en 8360 C arpenters 7930 C arpets 2725-2727, 7915, 7917, 7918 C arports 2360
C arragheen extracts 1040- C ar renting, self-drive 260 Car-w ashing installations 295 C arriage builders 8350 - springs 8355 Cartons 5340 C artridges, sporting gun 3290 Casein 3540 j C ases 1710 j C ash-control bopks 3550' Cash reg isters 0545 Cassocks 5735 I Castings 7070 l - Steel 7145, 7lV6 Casual clothing 2203 C atalystical stovös 3553 Cattle exporters &345 - salesm en & agefcts 3950 - slaughterhouses \3955 - appliances & m achinery for 3956 ' \ Cat-food 3555 \ Caviar 3570 \ Celebration articles 18p5 CeUuloid 1050 - goods 1050 Cellulose wool 1055 Cement 1060 - Furnace 5295 C entral heating boilers 1070
- G rease-proof 1780 - P aper 5385, 5395 - P lastic 5607
Bag trucks 7340 Bakelite 360-62 B akers 355 B akers ' sundries, m achinery & equipment 356
The numbers refer to headings, not to pages
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