kraks vejviser 1939 handelsvejviser


THE E AST ASI ATIC COMPANY, Ltd. Head Office: COPENHAGEN London Agents: UNITED BALTIC CORPORATION, Ltd. 158.FenchnrchStreet,E.C. 3.

IHIPORT to Europe o! Far-Eastem and other oversea products.

CXPORT to oversea ports ol European products.


South Atrica, Australia, West and South America.

REGULAR SAILINGS to Siam, Ceylon, Straits Settlement, China, Japan, Indies, Central America and the West Coast ot North

Penanc. Kuala Lumpur.

3. advertisements

Annonces — Anzeigen — Anuncios

of products, under every product the Copenhagen firms lphabetical order after the name of the towns.

advertisements are arran ged according to names are named flrst, then the provincial firms in a




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-nr,« H p « marchandises, et dans chaque catégorie la ville de

LeB annonces XX^'^en'^/nMe de. vWe. de province (par ordre atphabétlgne).

Die Anzeigen sind nach Warennamen geordnet, innerhalb deraelben Kopenhagen aneret, die tolgenden naeb den Provinzstddten (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge).

Los Anuncios son clasificados segun las designaciones de los productos, principiando con Copenhague, y siguiendo despues las ciudades regionales par orden alfabetico.

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