kraks vejviser 1934 handelsvejviser

DENMARK’S BANKING AND MONETARY SYSTEM Systéme monétaire & organisation des banques du Danemark. - Danemarks Geld- und Bankwesen. — Estado Monetario y Bancario de Dinamarca.

and fnr 0,0 Sa “ e “ Onetary systt ™ as Eorway and Sweden with gold as basis and for over fifty years a monetary union has existed between these three countries kg. fi n e^" an i=Twft CUrrenCy ACt ° f 23ld W 1873 2480 iS miDted ° Ut of 1 the mo Jtønortanr n^ Ween tbe . gold . ,™' ue ° f the unit of coinage in Denmarlt and those of the more important other countries will be seen from the appended table: Valne of the Danish Krone in foreign currencies:

(The figures in'^rackets ^llowing .the par rates indicate the approximate selling rate oi excnange pr. ult. Nov. 1933. Fluctuations under one p. c. are not shown).


lMU^^illin^ 0 l’qosn n 'ini gS

La?“.................................. 0,54 (0,75) Yen ......................... 1,389 (0.76) Lat Lithuama........................... 2,68 (1,47) Lit Mexico-............................ 0,536(0,83)Dollar Netherlands...................... 0,666 (0,37) Guiden JJorway ........................... i,oo (0,89) Krone De™-................................ 0,056(1,03)Soles Deland.............................. 2,388(1,31)Zloty Portugal............................ 0,248 (4,91) Escudo Roumama......................... 1,389 (24,68) Léi Russia .................................. 0,052 (0,029) Tscher- c . wonetz SP ai P................................. 1,389 (1,79) Pesetas Sweden............................. 1,00 (0,86) Krone Switzerland...................... 1,389 (0,76) Francs Turkey.............................. 6,10 (30,36) Pjastre U. S. A............................. 0,268 (0,23) Dollar Uruguay............................ 0,259 (0,45) Dollar Venezuela......................... 1,389 (0,92) Bolivar Yugo-Slavia .................... 1,389 (10,82) Dinar


n™ g i ................................. *’928Jl,06)_Belgas Drazil •............................. 0,49 (2,64) Milreis Bulgaria............................ 1,389 (19,42) Leva X a ?, ada ............................... 0.268 (°> 23 ) Dollar D h ' le -;;............................... 2,20 (2,25) Pesos Colombia.......................... 0,268 (0,36) Peso Czechoslovakia.................8,97 (4,91) Kroner Danzigu............................ 1,376 (0,75) Guiden Ecuador............................ 0,55 (1,42) Sucres England............................ £ jj Esthonia............................ 1,00 (0,80) Krone Emland ............................... 10,64 (10,05) Finmark France............................... 6,840 (3,75) Francs Dermany............................. 1,125 (0,62) Reichsmk. greece.................................. 1,389 (25.67) Drachme Hungary.............................. 1,532 (0,85) Pengo “»land............................... 1,00 (1,00) Krone Ha'y................. ................ 5,091 (2,78) Lire

Conenhaffef^After tb’er^ 111 -^ ‘T® bank ' notes , is reserved to the "Nationalbanken” in D g e fmancial collapse in 1813 this bank was established — - r., , , as a State bank under the name ”Rigsbanken” but in 1818 it under its present name with a share Capital of 27 mill. Kroner.” It is“underTem’Xe'Zt of five directors two of whom are appointed by the Crown. gement cover at A Iea°st d on g e H-‘d® granted the Bank the bnllio11 held b y the banb ehall a l'vays ‘ ‘ d °? the n ° tes ln elreulation. The obligation to exchange bank-notes ^On'wn Septémber 1931 ’ when England left the gold standard, reserve of 142 miHKr. or to'T C ‘ rCUlati ° n amOunted to 354 mil1 ' with a builion

have a mXTb“ 1933 no less than 1X i, *

tf the

° f WhiC ”

* th t * balance whlch amounted to 2830 mill. Kr. in t wUl be seen ftåt tb! 1 "T re P resented b y «>eithree leading banks, from whiéh will be seen that the country s bankmg system is rather highly concentrated.

y a Bank Act of 1919 the Danish banks were made subject to the special super­

vision of an appomted authority.



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