kraks vejviser 1934 handelsvejviser


THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY, Ltd. Head Office: COPENHAGEN London Agents: UNITED BALTIC CORPORATION, Ltd. 158,FenchurchStreet,E.C.3.

IMPORT to Europe ol Far-Eastern and other oversea products.

EXPORT to oversea ports of European products.



REGULAR SAILINGS to Siam, Ceylon, China, Japan, South Africa, Australia, Java, West Indies, Central America and the West Coast of North and South America.

Any further information regarding the O. K. LINES and the operation of the company upon application, to the Head Office, Holbergsgade 2, Copenhagen K., the branches in Bangkok and Singapore or the agencies.

OWItAGENCIES: Shanghai, Hankow, Tsingtao, Dalny, Harbin, Vladivostock, Seattle, San Francisco, Santiago de Chile, Durban, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Madras, Rangoon, Penang, Kuala Lumpur.

3. ADVERTISEMENTS Annonces — Anzeigen — Anuncios

The advertisements are aTranged according to names of products, under every product the Copenhagen firms are named first, then the provincial firms in alphabetical order after the name of the towns.

Les annonces sont classées seion les désignations des marchandises, et dans chaque catégorie la ville de Copenhague se trouve en tete, suivie des villes de province (par ordre alphabétique).

Die Anzeigen sind nach Warennamen geordnet, innerhalb derselben Kopenhagen zuerst, die folgenden nach den Provinzstfidten (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge).

Los Anuncios son clasificados segun las designaciones de los productos, principiando con Copenhague, y siguiendo despues las ciudades regionales par érden alfabético.

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