kraks vejviser 1926 handelsvejviser ny version



Contents o f K rak ’s Vejviser (Krak’s Directory.)

F i r s t V o l u m e : A d r e s s e b o g (A d r e s s D i r e c t o r y ) . The Adress Directory consists of 5 „Afdelinger* (parts).

Part I. Kort og Planer: Maps of the various quarters of Copenhagen. Plans of theatres and hospitals etc. Part II. Real-Register for Kjøbenhavn: Alphabotical register containing political, municipal and elerical institutions residing in Copenhagcn; clubs and societies (scientific, professional, charitable and others); statistical and practical informations concerning public and civil life. * Part III. Gade* og Hus-Register for Kjøbenhavn: The streets of Copenhagen, alphabetically arranged, with lists of the inhabita-nts of every house and numerous other details. Part IV. Person-Register for Kjøbenhavn: A select list of names of inhabitants and firms in Copen­ hagen with complete postal address. Part V. Provins-Register: Provincial Directory. A. Forretninger: A list of manufacturing, shipping, Wholesale and retail firms, companies and institutions, alphabetically arranged under the heading of eacli of the principal 155 provincial towns, with dircctions indieating under which trade heading the firm is to be found in the Trades Register (Second Vol., Part VII). B. Privat-Adresser: A select list of provincial private addresses, alphabetically arranged. C. Større Gaarde: Statistical and other informations concerning estates and large farins in Denmark. D. Kommunefortegnelse: List of the municipal districts in Denmark, wilh figures of inhabitants and other informative details. Supplement: Færøerne (The Faroe Islands) and Grønland (Greenland). Remark 1 Alphabetical Index (Emneliste) comprising all items conttiinedin this volume is to be found on the pages coloured yelloiv at the beginning o f the volume. Havne- og Eksport-A fsnit (English text): Danish Ports and Danish Export Trade. Map of the Baltic region. Some informations about Danish export and shipping. Informations (with map) of The Port of Copenhagen and the Copenhagen Free Port. The principal provincial ports. Advertisements from Danish banks, exporters, ship­ ping firms, manufacturing industries. Steamship lines to and from Copenhagen and some provincial ports. A Section called Bestemmelser og Takster (green paper) containing regulations and fees concerning the postal service, railways, the telegraphic service and the customs. Part VI. Firma- og Aktieselskabs-Register for Danmark: Alphabetic list of registered firms and joint stock companies. A. Copenhagen. — B. Provincial Towns. — C. Rural Districts. Part VII. Fag-Register for Danmark: Trades Directory for Danmark. A register of fimncial, manufacturing, Wholesale and retail firms, companies and institutions, arranged under special trade headings, some of the headings being again divided into subsections: A. Kjøbenhavn (Copenhagen). B. Købstæderne (Provincial Towns — the towns alphabetically arranged). C. Landet (Rural Districts). Remark 1 Vocabularies: English-Danish, F r cnch-Danish, Gcrman-Danish, Spanish-Danisli and Russian-Danish o f trades and industries are to be found at the beginning of „Fag-Registeret* (the trade register). Further, a translation into English, French and German of the trade headings is to be found under the most important trades. Part VIII. Island (Iceland), with details corresponding to those given for Denmark ,in the preeeding sections. Part IX. Udlandet: Foreign Countries. Lists of Danish Legations (Gesandter), Consuls and Clubs. Large firms carried on by Danes in foreign countries, Classified trades for the Czeko-Slovakia, Danzig, England, Finland, Germany, Lat,via, Norway, Sweden and other countries, containing firms interested in Danish commerce and manufacturing. S e c o n d V o lu m e : H a n d e l s k a l e n d e r (C o m m e r c ia l D i r e c t o r y ) . In this volume is to be found:

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