
N r. 13. — 1951

T ab . 6. D ødsfaldenes fordeling på dødsårsager og aldersklasser.

[is rheum, acutus) | 03 P > £< d e< d 75 Ö rCex

ri .c c< d E


à 03 P a 03 P o.

cdr- CQ cd0) ih ‘o-Gcx

ionatorum B 43) a CO ocCM ca «

c o




mort, male defin. a


sclerosis) 7?

(incl. Apopl. cer.) || T3


elect, pulm. neonat. I

(typus incertus)

<3 cda.



CD 03g


•c 0 s +

cd p ocd 03

cd ni CDc

’C •ÛQJ£ l -

o (D 03

A ld e r

.03 75


.2 .o ’a

S u m m a



.03 •o

IH ‘o



ü cd C t- OO)

cx .03 *c tu

1 7



1B 36 Gastritis, enteritis, colitis (excl. ne I B 37 Cirrhosis hepatis S o CQ 1B 41 Malformatio congenita

s MDCM CO B 27 Alii morbi cordis X ?3 CQ

B 1 Tuberculosis systemae respiratoriae B 2 Tuberculosis aliorum organorum B 3 Syphilis CQ B 8 D iphtheria

CQ B 6 Dysenteria (incl. »Paradysenteria«)

1B 42 Laesiones int. part. asph. neonat, at i B 43 Morbi infect, neonat, (incl. Diarrhö 1B 44 Alii morbi neonatorum

1B 33 Ulcus duodeni et ulcus ventriculi B 34 A ppendicitis B 35 Hernia, Ileus etc.

1B 29 Hypertensio arterialis (incl. Nephro 1B 30 Influenza (incl. complicationes varia B 31 Pneumonia (typi varii) B 32 Bronchitis . i 1 i

B 19 Neoplasma benignum et neoplasma i B 20 Diabetes mellitus B 21 Anaemiae (typi varii)

B 24 Febris rbeumatica (incl. Morbus cord B 25 Morbus cordis rbeumaticus cbronicu

B 9 Pertussis B 10 Meningitis purulenta (meningococcus B 12 Poliomyelitis anterior acuta B 14 Morbilli B17aFebris paratyphoidea

B 17 Alii morbi infectiosi et parasitici B 18 Neoplasma malignum

B 22 Laesiones vascul. syst. cerebrospin. B 23 Meningitis non meningococcica

1BE 50 Homicidium, impetus, laesio in bello, execut. leg. 1BE 49 Suicidium, laesio auto-inflicta

1B 45 Senilitas, causa mort, ignota, causa 1B 46 Alii morbi (non nom. B 1—B 45 des< 1BE 47 Accidentia vehiculi motoris 1BE 48 Aliae accidentae

1B 38 Nephritis, nephrosis (excl. Nephros I B 39 Hyperplasia prostatae 3

„ r i æ gteskab............

—^ ar{ udenfor —............ 1—5 år .................................... 5—15 å r ....................................


i 8 i 3

33 35 49 65

i 2 i 2 3 2

4 1

11 2


„ ( M ..................................

15—65 ar<


7 4

1 2

3 10



2 1 2 1

8 1

16 5 2

1 1

f M ..........................

O ver 65 år <




16 9 3 i

1 15 2 1 8

3 12 186

2 1 i 8 6

. i i 3

4 2

5 i

1 36

4 441 5 1 20

lait T o t a l ............................





1 9


i 4 4



2 1 2 1

20 6 2


19 3

3 5

M andk. Mascul ...................... Kvindek. Femirt .....................

2 3 101

4 2


i i

1 16 tl 3 i

4 25 2 1 15

*) Efter: International statistical classification of diseases injuries and causes of death. Vol. I, 1948. A bbreviated list of 50 causes for tabulation of m ortality.

T a b . 7 . P a t i e n t e r i s t a d e n s h o s p i t a l e r . Malades dans les hôpitaux de la ville.

24. m a r ts

17. i

31. m a r ts

10. m a rts

24. feb .

3. m a rts

10. feb .

17. !

•13- 1 ja n . 1

3. feb .

27. jan .

20. jan .

6. jan .

m a rts

feb .

K o m m u n a l e h o s p i t a l e r Hôp ita u x municipaux K o m m u n e h o s p i t a l e t ................................................ Ø r e s u n d s h o s p i t a l e t ................................................ B l e g d a m s h o s p i t a l e t ................................................ R u d o l p h B e r g h s h o s p i t a l ............................... S u n d b y h o s p i t a l .......................................................... B i s p e b j æ r g h o s p i t a l ................................................ B ø r n e h o s p i t a l e t p å F u g l e b a k k e n . . . . K b h ’s k o m m . b ø r n e a f d ., M a r t i n s v e j N ø r r e h o s p i t a l ................................................................ H o s p i t a l e t p å F o r c h h a m m e r s v e j . . B a ld e r s h o s p i t a l .........................................................

1059 313 402 173 410 1100

1026 319 394 161 397 1077

1075 ! 330 439 183 450 1161

1073 324 420 187 435 1179

1070 325 427 167 442 1142

1089 327 412 180 446 1142

1053 311 410 179 436 1167

1083 326 402 165 413 1113 164 92 245

1072 326 428 174 431 1156

1091 318 397 185 429 1140

1079 322 389 179 426 1143

1098 331 422 186 445 1141

1045 308 381 163 450 1082 145 99 232

151 113 256

159 106 247

158 106 257

157 116 253

162 105 250

149 107 256

158 112 253

159 104 253

150 107 233

155 108 237

157 106 236

71 52

67 62

69 66

72 66

77 67

73 62

70 64

72 61

77 67

75 69

76 67

75 75

73 64

I a lt 4042 4171 4273 4203 4136 4247 4213 4252 4225 4265 4402 4124 4100

P r i v a t e h o s p i t a l e r H ôp ita u x privés

154 315 144 330 190

147 292 142 293 162

155 306 149 332 195

154 300 151 336 200

155 301 152 351 199

152 294 153 368 187

156 300 151 351 200

150 308 151 338 196

151 313 146 349 209

155 308 156 357 193

154 305 151 322 195

155 303 155 338 198

143 303 132 308 176

D r o n n i n g T ,o u is e s b ø r n e h o s p i t a l . . . . S t J o s e p h s h o s p i t a l ................................................... S t . E l i s a b e t h s h o s p i t a l ..................................... F i n s e n i n s t i t u t t e t o g R a d i u m s t . . . . O r t o p æ d i s k h o s p i t a l ............................................

I a lt 1062 1127 1149 1169 1143 1168 1154 1158 1141 1158 1137 1036 1133

S t a t s h o s p i t a l e r Hôpitaux de l’État R i g s h o s p i t a l e t . S y g e a f d e l i n g e r n e ____ » F ø d e a f d e l i n g e r n e . . . M i l i t æ r h o s p i t a l e t .......................................................

914 141 427

858 159 402

983 152 468

972 164 436

955 136 481

959 135 506

989 134 515

941 140 508

967 126 498

962 137 477

966 139 496

896 130 479

796 119 451

I a l t 1366 1505 1576 1589 1601 1591 1638 1600 1572 1603 1572 1419 1482


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