T a b . 6 . D ø d sfa ld e n e s fo rd elin g p å d ø d så rsa g e r og a ld e rsk lasse r.
N r. 7. - 1951
fe 03PO P
fe PU 03 z 13 .2
J *Pfe o 03 13 03
2 p •3I h OO I h OO 03 .2ooooono COpfeI h O 03 PO 03 P fefeCO 03 COfe feI h O s + c3 po03 uo A id e r S 13 .2 2 2o+->COpo CÍ *2 03 nx)Poo 03 03 03 03O *Q c3 > fe -M ‘SO .S*20) 2 03 03 P 03 ^2oo 03 03 CO < 9 Suicidium, laesio auto-inflicta 0 Homicidium, impetus, laesio in bello, execut. le S um m a 03 > ’fe 12‘o fe fe >> 03 I h c3O 03 2 p 03feI h .CO "C fe03fe Morbus cordis rheumaticus chronicus Morbus cordis arterioscleroticus et degenerativus T3 OO feI h O 2 < *i3 03 f-. 03 .2 p 03 f-4 03 fe>3 X Hypertensio arterialis (incl. Nephrosclerosis) Influenza (incl. complicationes variae) 2p 03 Pfe CO feopo CQ Ulcus duodeni et ulcus ventriculi .CO o p 03 fefe o 03 PC3 CO c3 fe 03 fe CO ‘coOfeI h G O fe .2 .2 COp pop 03 cOfe Morbi infect, neonat, (incl. Diarrhoea, Gastroent/ 03 p feI h o 2 < Senilitas, causa mort, ignota, causa mort, male def Alii morbi (non nom. B 1—B 45 descript.) 7 Accidentia vehiculi motoris y V» * 13 2 Nephritis, nephrosis (excl. Nephroscler. B 28, B 29) ^03 *co 'fe fe X Morbi et complicationes graviditatis, partus et pui a»-i 03 2. eSP .2*co .2 fe fe ÍO 03 PU w ISa>>oO
<2 *0 p o fe Os CQ ’■So .2p(D S OOCM CQ .ci *PI h 03 X Gastritis, enteritis, colitis (excl. neonatorum B 42 yt 'Cfe 15(-4O £ fe < Laesiones vascul. syst. cerebrospin. (incl. Apopl. < 5 5 in w03 SO CO CQ OOCO CQ tN- CQ IT)Tti 03 CO 03 CQ so■V 03 VO CQ Tb CQ oCM CQ r-CM CQ tnCO CQ r-CO CQ CM Tb CQ CO Tb CQ CM 03 O CQ CMC CQ TbCM CQ tnCM CQ vOCM CQ OCO CQ CMCO CQ COCO CQ O Tb CQ D3 Os 03 TbCO CQ O'Ol 03 Febris typhoidea (excl. Febris paratyphoidea B 17i Dysenteria (incl. »Paradysenteria«) Scarlatina et Tonsillitis acuta (streptococcus) I'- CQ CQ Tuberculosis systemae respiratoriae Tuberculosis aliorum organorum Neoplasma benignum et neoplasma (typus incertus Meningitis purulenta (meningococcus) et infect, mening. Alii morbi infectiosi et parasitici Neoplasma malignum Tb w CQ oo CQ oo 03 oo CM CQ Tb Tb CQ CM CQ Os CO CQ CO CQ w03 w03 * CQ . ° f 1 ægteskab.......... ° " 1 arl udenfor - .......... 1—5 år ............................... 5—15 år ............................... ( M ...................................... 15-65 år< K I fM ................................. Over 65 år < ^ 1 • i 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 8 3 1 20 27 3 3 1 1 1 5 1 5 9 4 5 2 * 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 3 1 2 1 2 38 42 11 15 1 3 1 1 1 1 Ialt T o t a l .................................. 2 2 22 4 9 1 130 3 7 1 61 1 2 69 1 7 2 . 1 . 1 ■32 8 16 3 1 • 5 , *1 * Mandk. M a s c u l .......................... Kvindek. F e m in ......................... 1 1 1 1 1 7 14 2 2 4 1 2 1 1 4 1 9 13 1 9 •I 18 6 3 1 3 1 1 1 4 3 ' *) E fter: International statistical classification of diseases injuries and causes of death. V ol. I, 1948. A bbreviated list of 50 causes for tabulation of m ortality. T ab. 7. P atienter i stad en s hospitaler. Malades dans les hôpitaux de la ville. -1 ____ 1 2. dec. 6. jan. 20. jan. 25. nov. 9. dec. 23. dec. 30. dec. 10. feb. 17. feb. 13. jan. 27. jan. 3. feb. o P" 1 S**- K o m m u n a le h ospitaler H ôp ita u x municipaux K o m m u n e h o s p ita le t.................................. Ø resundshospitalet .................................. Blegdam shospitalet .................................. R u d o lp h Berghs hospital ...................... S u n d b y hospital ......................................... B ispe bjæ rg h o s p ita l................................... B ørnehospitalet på F u g le b a k k e n .... K b h ’s k om m . børneafd., M a rtin s ve j N ø rre h o s p it a l.............................................. H o sp ita le t på Fo rch h am m e rsve j .. Balders hospital ......................................... 1051 1036 1039 999 864 996 1045 1079 1098 1091 1083 1072 1053 320 319 324 310 267 286 308 322 331 318 326 326 311 463 444 446 405 304 341 381 389 422 397 402 428 410 165 179 176 160 113 134 163 179 186 185 165 174 179 434 437 428 378 327 394 450 426 445 429 413 431 436 1145 1095 1076 1081 818 1002 1082 1143 1141 1140 1113 1156 1167 145 166 141 134 118 130 145 150 155 157 164 159 158 119 112 109 101 79 82 99 107 108 106 92 104 112 238 243 248 243 228 227 232 233 237 236 245 253 253 79 74 74 61 75 56 71 54 62 59 57 53 73 64 76 67 75 75 75 69 72 61 70 64 77 67 Ialt 4233 4166 4118 3936 3228 3713 4042 4171 4273 4203 4136 4247 4213 P riva te hospitaler H ôpitaux privés D ro n n in g Louises b ø rn e h o s p ita l____ St Josephs h o s p ita l.................................... St. Elisabeths hospital ................... Finsen in stitu tte t og R adium st. . . . O rto p æ d is k hospital ................... ......... .. 156 160 153 143 115 127 143 154 155 155 150 151 152 301 293 302 290 214 248 303 305 303 308 308 313 294 145 145 146 141 108 111 132 151 155 156 151 146 153 344 322 203 220 308 322 338 357 338 349 368 344 344 20« 195 198 94 104 176 195 198 193 196 209 187 164 1146 1137 1143 Ia lt 1060 734 810 1062 1127 1149 1169 1143 1168 1154 S ta tsh o sp ita le r Hôpitaux d e l’État R igsho sp italet. S y geafdeling ern e .... '918 915 905 883 142 133 131 137 495 510 502 488 322 776 696 796 896 962 941 966 967 989 100 103 119 130 137 140 139 126 134 329 451 479 477 508 496 498 515 » F ø d eafd elin g ern e . , , M ilitæ rh ø sjritale t ..................................... Ia lt 1558 1538 1508 1 555 1198 1128 1366 1505 1576 1589 1601 1591 1638 S . L. M 0 L IÉ K 3 B06TRYKK1IJ,, KØBENHAVN 510417
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