
E X T E N S I O N S O E T H E T O W N The extension o f Vestervold (W es te rn Ramparts) out into Kallebodstrand caused the creation o f a new section, built on reclaimed land by those who w ere willing to pay fo r the reclaim ing w ork themselves. Both this section and the extension o f the ramparts w ere presum ed in the plan o f 16b9, but the final execu tion was not quite in accordance with this first plan, nor with the parcelling plan (fig. page lb 6 ), which provided fo r 22b building sites. Henrik Riise carried out the final project, according to which only about 80 sites were laid out. Accord ing to the final p ro jec t fou r streets were laid out connecting the two thoroughfares Frederiksholm s Kanal and the street along the ramparts, thus linking the quarter with the old town. Løngangsstræde was constructed on the site o f the old mili pond, and a new square, Vandkunsten, came into existence, althougli only a fter con- siderable litigation and other difficulties. In daily use the name Frederiksholm had to com pete with the more popu ­ tar name Kalleboderne, and the officia l street names, when finally decided upon, likewise had some d ifficulty in asserting themselves. Nor did the developm en t of the section com e o ff smoothly, as late as in 1677 it was still rather scattered. Fig. page lb7 shows the d evelopm en t on a map from 1757. South o f Ny Kongensgade the Roya l Material Storehouse was erected , a fter plans having been considered fo r the rem ova l there o f the Knightly Acad- em y from Nytorv. Later the Horse Guard’s Barracks were built and in the I760s Kongens Bryghus (the King’s B rew ery ). Prinsens Palæ (the P rin ce’s Palace) had already been built 17b3-bb. In the years 1927-1937 it was consi- derably rem odeled and extend ed when the National Museum was built, which also caused the demolition o f the private houses in the block between the palace, Stormgade, Vester Voldgade and Ny Vestergade. The extension o f the ramparts o f Christianshavn to Kallebodstrand gave rise to a plan fo r the developm en t o f the area thus gained, the idea o f de- veloping this part o f Christianshavn being on the whole repeated ly conside­ red, and it was i. a. contemp lated to rem ove a part o f the population o f Nyboder there. -As early as in 167b there were plans fo r extending the ramparts o f Chri­ stianshavn north with seven bastions. The p ro je ct fo r this extension was approved by King Christian the Fifth in the year 1682, and when the building o f the ramparts had becom e a faet, a building plan fo r the developm en t o f the territory which would thus be gained was approved in 1691 (fig. page 152), which plan, how ever, was not adhered to. Flaadens L eje, the Berth o f the Fleet, see fig. page 150. In 1690 Nyholm was constructed as a badly needed supp lem ent to the navy yard at B rem er­ holm which, incidentally, it was planned to extend at an early date, and during the first half o f the eighteenth century there were several projects fo r the construction o f a comp lete navy yard in connection with an entirely new section o f dwellings fo r its personnel, all situated between Flaadens L eje and the extend ed ramparts. A proposal o f 17bO (fig . page 153) obtained Royal approval, but was not carried out, ex c ep t in so far as according to it Flaadens L eje was established in the exten t which it has since had, and the planned monumental house construction was in part carried out. The pre- mises o f the navy yard nevertheless gradually came to occupy the greater part o f the areas gained behind the line o f ramparts, whereas several »Plad­ ser« (d ock s) facing the harbour channel were reclaimed and laid out by private initiative. The residential quarters o f Christianshavn, on the other hand, were not completed until more recen t times.

FREDERIKSHOLM Fig. page 145.



Fig. page 148.





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