PREFACE C op enh ag en City Hall One H und red Years
T h e co lourfu l diversity o f Copenhagen City Hall is the them e for this kaleidoscopic book. And the occasion: that it will be one hund red years ago in 2005 th a t the carefully p lanned building came into use in earnest. T h e bu ild ing will be p resen ted in colour pho tos as it appea rs and is u sed in a new century. And a wide variety o f mainly black and white pho to s , m o s t o f them from the City Hall Archives, will tell o f festive occasions and o rd inary work th rough the years, covering the whole range from the stone masons on the scaffolding du ring the bu ild ing process over notabilities on the balcony or recep tions in the M a in and B anqueting Halls, with pancakes and the Royal Table, to get-togethers in the canteen in the vault and pigeon feeding o f soaring b irds on the City Hall Square. T h e tex t is mainly new, observing and philosophical, however, interwoven w ith the experiences or recollections o f old and young m em be rs o f staff.
Allan de Waal, Lars Gundersen and Asger Uhd Jepsen
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