


TEXT TO ILLUSTRATIONS P. 13, Enlarged section of Johannes von Wick's View of Copenhagen, engraved by Jan Direchsen „1611“ . P. 17. Ground-plan of the basement of the first Rosenborg. Room A corresponds to the King's Chamber above. Room B to the Queen's Apartment above. Room C in the „Bay“ corresponds to the „Trinke t Chamber“ ; here can be seen on the innermost side an abandoned foundation resembling a bench. On the end wall to the north the cross-hatching indicates the still existing wall on the ground floor. Round it is shown the reinforcing wall, in which is the equalised placing of the windows. P. 19. Ground-plan of the excavated Stair-Tower and the adjoining, strengthened wall. Plate I, facing p. 32. Ground-plan of the ground floor, loo­ king NE. The darkest part is the first Rosenborg. A. The Queen’s Apartment, prior to being shortened. B, The King's first bedchamber, lengthened and later rebuilt as the King's „Marbled Chamber“ . Sm. „T rinke t Chamber“ . E. „The Writing Chamber“ .

F. Ante-room in its original length. G. The King's second „Bed-chamber“ . S. Privy. So. Plate Chamber.

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