Singers consists o f graduates and undergraduates o f the Univer sity o f Copenhagen, and is permanently connected with the Univer sity through giving musical assistance at all University ceremonies. In now projecting a tour to America this Society has h a d divers purposes in view: first, to present Danish singing to an American p u b lic ; next , to give members o f the Danish University an oppor tunity o f getting acquainted with American life and American na tu re ; and finally — last, but not least — to carry over to countrymen in that far-off p a r t o f the world a greeting in song from their mother country. I f that intention is achieved, the tour m a y be o f no sma ll importance for national culture. On behalf o f the University I therefore w a n t to recommend the Singers most heartily to an y University and University circle they m a y come in contact with in America, as well as to all those authorities or private persons whose support m a y be o f value for the successful carrying out o f the enterprise. (sign.) KR. E R S L E V h. a. Rector Universitatis 14 INDLEDNING
Vi var saaledes vel rustede til at drage ud paa vor Æventyr- færd. Bulletinerne fra Amerika lød særdeles gunstige. Ingensinde havde et Foretagende i den Grad evnet at samle alle Danske til enigt Forarbejde; ja ikke blot de danske, ogsaa svenske og nor ske Amerikanere imødesaa vort Besøg med Forventning, og flere Steder deltog de i Forberedelserne til vor Modtagelse. Baade fra Chicago og New Haven fremkom Indbydelse til os om at besøge de derværende Universiteter, og fra Chicagostudenterne forelaa en Opfordring til at tilbringe en Aften i »University Club«, Chicagos
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