
B e s t y r e ls e .

1. Gustav Lunn, Ingeniør, Form and. 2. Oscar Cloos, Læge, Dirigent. 3. Olaf Holdt, eand, theol.

D irigent.


2. Oscar Cloos, Læge

Student fra

F orfatter. 4. Axel Sørensen, O verlæ rer.................................................... Student fra S olister. 5. B jørn Stephensen, F ab rik an t...............................................Student fra 6. H. H. Schou, K unstm aler................................................. — P ianist. 7. Georg Jespersen, cand.phil Student fra m. 11. I T enor. 1. Gustav Lunn, In g e n iø r......................................................... Student Ira 3. Olaf Holdt, cand. theol...................... 8. Fritz Ortli, T and læ g e.......................... 9. Valdemar Dan, Arkitekt...................... 10. Martin Jacobsen, stud. ,jur. , . . . 11. Karl Eskelund, stud. ju r..................... 12. Knud Thomsen, In g e n iø r.................. 13. Aaqe Jacobsen, stud. m ag.................. m. 11. II T enor. 14. 15. Georg Knub, In g en iø r........................................ 16. Ejn ar Dujardin, Læge........................................ . . . . 17. Kragh-Miiller, stud. theol.................................. 18. Erik Mackeprang, stud. polyt......................... 19. Harald Hansborg, stud. m ed.......................... . . . . — 20. 21. Urban Petersen, stud. ju r ................................. 22. R. Krgssing-Berg, stud. ju r............................. . . . . — 23. Flemming Allerup, stud. ju r ........................... . . . . 24. ,/. C. Balslev, Cxrosserer..................................... . . . . — m. m. fl. I Bas. 25. Gunnar Bardenfleth, stud. ju r ........................ . . . . Student 26. Henrik de Jonquiéres, stud. ju r..................... . . . . 27. Wiggo With, stud. m ed...................................... 28. Svend Louis-Jensen, stud. m ed...................... 29. Otto Levin, cand. p hil........................................ 30. 31. Joh. Leniche, Læge . . .................................... 32. Knud Levison, stud. ju r..................................... . . . . — 33. Aaqe Karstens, stud. polit............................... 34. Torben Meyer, F a b rik a n t................................ . . . . 35. C. Johnson, stud. polit...................................... 36. Knud Schierbech, stud. m ed.................... ......................... 37. Carl Langballe, stud. m ag.................................................. m. m. 11 . II Bas. 38. Harry Hoppe, Tandlæge, D r.............................................. 39. E. Kau/feldt, stud. m ed....................................................... 40. Jörgen Sivane, stud. ju r...................................................... 41. E. Bjarke, A ssistent............................................................. 42. C. Baastrup, Læge................................................................. 43. S. Jacobi, cand. phil............................................................. 44. H. Giæsel, stud. m ed............................................................ 45. Viggo Stroyberg, mag. scient............................................ 46. O. Blegvad, stud. med. . . ............................................ 47. H. G. Koefoed, stud. polyt................................................. 48. Einar Rud, stud. med. . '................................................... 49. Kai Monies, stud. polit........................................................ in. ti.


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