■du raske gut« inmincl weappraisedthesituation. Wedecided, ther fore, that wewouldcontinueour effortstoenlargethemembership ofourAssociationbuildingaroundthecoreofthefourteenmembers. Afewmeetings inwhich useful discussionswere combinedwith pleasant get-to-gether wereratedhighlysucesful bythemembers and gave usrenewed strength and hopes that we had something toworkfor. We nowhadworkedout bylawsfor the asociation in whichweset forth thepurposeandobjective: 1) tomaintaincontact andfriendshipamongmembers 2 ) tomaintain andfurther theinterest oftheschool 3 ) toendeavor within the ability ofitslimited membership, to aidtheDanishmembersinobtaininginformationpertaining toconditionsintheUSA 4 ) topromotegoodwill andunderstandingbetweenDanishancl Americanbusines. All thishappened threeyearsago. Today our organizationcounts nearly thirty members. Not aspectacular figure, but anyhowone whichindicatesgrowthandshowsthatwehavebeenableto launch Ober’s project. We are constantly encouraged by comentsof youngBrock-graduates arriving in this country. They tell ushow happy they are tohave anorganization like ours tocontact. »It’s like having a distant relative over here«, one Brocker told usre cently, whenhecalledusonthetelephoneshortlyafter hisarrival. »We do not necesarily have toknow each other«, hewent on, »it’ssufficient that weknowofeachother«. In termsofthefutureweplanfirst ofall tocontinueour eforts togrow. Aswe havestamina and agooddeal ofpatience, weare confident that westandareasonablygoodchancetoovercomethe growingpainswithwhichour youngAssociationwill havetocope. To helpuswithour taskisawonderful groupofmembers, several ■ofwhich, weareproudtosay,arehighlyoutstandingbusinesmen, well known in commerce ancl industry. Our plans call for more
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