Kraks vejviser 1979 fagbog


English Index to the headings of Register of Goods and Professions

Abattoirs, public 6580 Academies of music 4935 Account books 5720 Accumulator acid 65 - manufacture, articles for 61 Accumulators 60 Acetylene 5 Additives, oil 5140 Addressing bureaus 10 - machines 15 Adhesive tape 3715, 6260, 6261 Administration offices 3245 , Advertisement boards, letting 5570 - designing, 5945 - signs. Luminous 4458 Advertising 5920-22 - articles 5915 - photography 5930 Aerials 135-37 Aeroplanes 1977 Aerosols 25 Agar-Agar 45 Agricultural colleges 4250 - implements 2890 - machinery 4245,4246 - Projects 4248 Air conditioning plants 4390 Air traffic 4395-98 Aircraft Catering 1983 Airport installations 4388 Akvavit 70 Alcohol 6860-61 Aluminium 80 - facades 84 - foil 85 - containers 82 - goods 95 - roofing 90 Amber 5860 Ammonia 110 Ammunition 115 Amphibian Vehicles 107 Amusement park, equipment and arrangements 2065 Anchors & chain cables 125 Aniline colours & dyes 120 Animals for experiments 2123 Antibiotics 140 Antistatics 153 Appraisers 7420 Aprons 2055 Aquariat dealers 2280 Architects 195, 196 Argon 185 Armatures 200-201 Arms 8439-8441 Art 4046 - industrial & handicraft 4050 Art auctions 4025 - dealers 4040 - metal smithries 4075 - publishers 4035 Artificial flowers 640 Asbestos 205 - articles 205 Asphalte 210 Auctioneers 215, 220 - Fish-, licensed 1850 Auctions, art 4025 Audio-visual equipment 214 Audit 6005,6006,6007 Auto cycles 3735, 3736 Autoclaves 223 Automatics for gas-heating 2432 Automation 235 Automobile, see Motorcar Auto safeguarding fence 300 Auxiliary equipment for handicapped 2842 Average agents 2860 Aviation equipment 1977 Awnings 4615 Baby foods 955 - linen 970 Background music installations 358 Bacon factories 7235 Badges 1665 Badminton articles 340 Bag trucks 7340 Bags 7330 - Carrier- 938 - Paper 5385, 5395 - Plastic 5607 Bakelite 360-62 Bakers 355

Bakers ' sundries, machinery & equipment 356 Baking ovens 345 Balancing machines 30 Ball bearings 4010 Ball point pens 2300-2302

Bricklayers 4905 Bricks 4910 Bridge construction 828 Bridles, cattle 3940 Briquettes 820 Broken stones 6575 Brokers 8147 Bronze articles 841

CeUuloid 1050 - goods 1050 Cellulose wool 1055 Cement 1060 Central heating boilers 1070 Centrifuges 1075 Ceramics 3605 Chain cables & anchors 125 Chain wheels 4120

Balloons 366 Bamboo 375 Bananas 385 Bandages, surgical 390 Banisters 2467 Bankers 400 Banks 395 - Savings 6780 Barometers 425

- bearings 838 - founders 840 Brushes 980, 981 - manufacturers, raw materials, articles & machinery for 983

Chains 4120 - Cattle 3940 Chairs 741-49, 50 - for institutions 7000 Chalk 3965 - Feeding 2010 Chamois 8205 Chandeliers 4440 Charcoal 7805* Chartering agents 440 Charts 7355

- Steel 7110 - Tooth 7440

Barrels 7940 Barristers 20

Builders ' hardware 930 Building materials 925 - - fire-proof 3155 Building societies 1485 - ventilators 933 Bulbs 645 Butter 6670-6672 - colour 6680 Buttons 3740

Bath arrangements, Finnish 343 Bath rooms, prefabricated 338 Bathing jetties 330 - suits 337 Batteries, dry 7945 Battery charging depots 4200 Bearing materials 4280 Bedding 6275,6276 Beds 741-25, 26 Bed-setees 741-41,42 Bee keepers ' supplies 525 Beer 8505 - lamps 1140 - locks 1145 - stands 1155 - tyres 1130 Bicycles 1165, 1167, 1168 Bijouterie 535 Billard tables & requisites 540 Binder twine 3125 Binoculars 3610 Bird dealers 2280 1 - seed 2275 - stuffing 2285 Biscuit 565-67, 3815 - Dog 3020 Bitters 570 Blacking & shoe polish 6475 Blankets 7915, 7916 Bell foundries 3695 Bells, electric 1575 Belts 935-937 Bicycle accessories 1160

Chasing 1112 Checks 3855 Cheese 5250, 5252, 5253 - Processed 6660 Cheese colour 5255 - powder 5263 - wax 5265 Chemical apparatus 3585 - laboratories 3600 - products 3580 - works 3595 Chemicals 3590 - grinding of 2075 Chemists 156, 4693 Chemists ' sundries 157 Cheque protectographs 1085 Chess articles 6350 Chests of Drawers 741-29,30 Chewing gum 7895 - tobaccos 6560 Children's furniture 741-1,2 - ready-made clothing 965-67 Chimney turncaps 6085 Chimneys & Chimney builders 6495 China 5653-56 - clay 3485 - painting and firing 5665 - repairers 4060 Chinese goods 3625 Chip boards 6887 Chocolate & chocolate goods 1090, 1091, 1093 - - - production, machinery for 1092a - - - - sundries for 1092 Christmas tree decorations 3350 Christmas trees 3345 Chromium plating 2060 Church appliances 3635 Cider 2240, 4865 Cigar boxes 1105 Cigarettes 1100 Cigars 7665, 7667, 7668 Cinders 3790 Cladding, external 1715 Classification of ships 6385 Clay sewer pipes 4285 Clean towel supply 6725 Cleaners, High pressure 3091 Cleaning 5970 - boiler 3575, 3576 - Facade 1722 - Sewer 3690 Cleaning means, industrial 5975 - rags 5745 Cleansing means 5980, 8185 Clinics 3670, 3671

Cabinets. Filing 1319 Cabinet makers 6690 — sundries for 6695 Cable, electric 3370 Cable stripping machines 3367 Cadmium plating 1010 Cakes 3412 Calcium chloride 3700 Calculating machines 5895 Calico printings 3560 Calorimeters 3460, 8160 Camping reqiusites 6855-6857 Candles 4445 - Stearine 6925 Cane and cane articles 6770 Canes, baluster 370 Canoes 3415 Canteen furniture 3483 Canvas 6240 - painters ' 4550 Caps 2995

Capsules 3495 - Bottle 1960 Car see motorcar Caravans 1020 Carbides, sintered 3135 Carbon paper 3506 Carbonic acid gas 4020 Carborundum 1035 Card indexes 3535 - tables 6825 Cardboard 5335 - Corrugated 950 Cardboard articles 3530 - packing 5345 Cargo pallets 4265 - superintendence 3860 Carmen 8360 Carpenters 7930 Carpet cleaners 7920 Carpet Underlays 2737 Carpets 2725-2727, Carports 2360

- electric heated 1593 Blocking equipment 39 Blocks, ship 6370 Blood albumen 620 - meal 625 - plasma 630 Blouses 655 Blowpipe cutting 7230 Blueprint paper 4455 Blueprinting 4450 Boarding schools 3930 Boat motors 995


Boats 990-992 - Rubber 2745 - services 2321 Boiler cleaning 3575, 3576 Bolts 745-746 Bookbinders 689 Bookcases 741-21,22 Bookkeeping machines 700 - systems 705 Books 690 - import 715 - second-hand 145 Boot & shoe machinery & supplies 6510 Boots & shoes 6500, 6501, 6502 Bottle capsules i960 Bottles 1965 Bowlipg-alleys & accessories 783 Box mfrs. 8495 - articles for 8496

Carragheen extracts 1040 Car renting, self-drive 260 Carriage builders 8350 - springs 8355 Carrier bags 938 Cartons 5340 Car-washing installations 295 1 Casein 3540 Cases 1710 Cash-control books 3550 Cash registers 3545 Castings 7070 -Steel 7145, 7146 Casual clothing 2203 Catalystical stoves 3553 Catering kitchen equipment 700 Cat-food 3555 Cattle exporters 3945-46 - salesmen & agents 3950 - slaughterhouses 3955 - - appliances & machinery fc 3956 Caustic soda treatment of strai machines for 2824 Caviar 3570 Celling Coverings 4354 Celebj-ation articles 1805

Boy s clothing 1345 Brake materials 810 Brass 4755 - foundries 4793 Braziers 2820 Bread 880 - wrappings 883

Breeding animals 320 - - Fur-bearing 5458 Breweries 860 - machines & equipment for 861 Brewers'yeast 830 Brewery plants 858 Brick making machines 7530 Brick works 7525 - - articles for 7526

The numbers refer to headings, not to pages

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