Kraks vejviser 1925 Handelsregister
Havne- og Eksport-Afsnit Danish Ports and Danish Export Trade. Some informations about harbour traffic, shipping, foreign trade etc.
CONTENTS. Map of the Baltic Region......................... ................................................................................................................. Page 18 Slalistieal and other informative faets relaling to danish foreign tråde. The Port of Copenhagen and the Copenhag n Free Po rt................................. ....................... ................... — 20 Plan xvith slalistieal and olher informations. The Principal Provincial Ports of Denma k ........................................... .......................................................... — 22 Situation, depth of harbour, principal steamship Communications etc. Advertisements............................................................................................................................................... .................. — 23 Danish merchants, manufaclurers and bankers intercsled in export, alpha- helically arranged according lo trådes. Steamship Lines (D a m p s k ib s -L in ie r )..................... ......................................... , . ............................................ starting from or calling at Copenhagen and some provincial ports, alphabetically arranged according to the placcs of destination', staling nanrcs of the ship oxvners (agents) and approximatc normal sailings.\ Contents of Kraks Vejviser......................................................................... V .......................................................... A brief explanation in English of the main classilicalions of this directory. Danish Export and Shipping...................................................................................................................................... — 19
— 32a
— 32d
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