Kraks vejviser 1924 Handelsregister


Ship Stores

COPENHAGEN E N G IN E E R AND S H IP F U R N IS H IN G S MARINE AlIXILIARY MACHINERY. BOILER MOUNTINGS & FITTINGS. ASBESTOS & I. R. GOODS. ENGINE AND MOTOR OILS. ____________SUPPLYER TO STEAM SHIP COMPANIES, SHIPYARDS AND RAILWAY COMPAN1ES. S to rag e________ __________________________________________________ De forenede Rondels- og Oplagspladser Storageand Stevedores Copenhagen Established 1873 Capital Kl*. 2,000,000 Telegraphic Address: HANDOP Ozoners o f private quays and zvarehouses centrally situated in Copenhagen harbour below bridges Quays 1360 feet. Depth 2 4 ’^ feet. Warehouses 859,120 cub. fest. Open space for storing goods 131,754 □ feet. Lombarding department for goods, stored by the Company. TURISTFORENINGEN FOR DANMARK (THE TOUHIST-ASSOCIATION OF DENMARK) Office: 10, FREDERIKSBERGGADE, COPENHAGEN B. This office gives free information about travels in Denmark. Prospects and pamphlets to be bad gratis. Trade dir e c t o r i e s ____________________________________________________________ KRAK- VEJVISER (KRAK8 DIRECTORY). 17, Nytorv, COPENHAGEN, B., Denmark. Indispensable for everyone who has or tries to obtain commercial connections in’ Denm'ark,^for whose use there is an index in English, French, German, Russian and Spanish of the most important headings in the Register of Classified Trades. Advertisements from English firms can be inserted in the division: Udlandet (Foreign Countries, England), Adv e rf isement ra te s supplied on app lica tion . KØBENHAVNS KOMMUf — 1OTEKER Tourist’s Associations

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