Kraks Vejviser 1994 Registrerede Selskaber

Selskabstyper Registred Firms in Denmark Containing 120.000 firms registred in the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency and the Trade Registers.

Types of companies: Public limited company Ltd. Co-operative savingsbank Co-operative company Private limited company Other registred names Company Branch Firm Foundation General Agency

Selskabstyper: Aktieselskab (Akts. A/S) A.m.b.A. Andelskasse Andelsselskab Anpartsselskab (ApS) Bifirmaer Co. Filial Firma (Frm.) Fond Generalagentur Interessentselskab (l/S) I likvidation Kommanditselskab (K/S) Sparekasse

Partnership Liquidation Limited Partnership Savingsbank Financial terms: Share capital Registred capital Capital (Account) Contributed capital

Finans: Aktiekapital

Garantikapital Grundkapital

Indskudskapital (Indsk.Kap.) Nettoomsætning (N.oms.) Bruttofortjeneste (B.for.) Resultat (Resul.)

Net turnover Gross profit Result after tax Balance Equity capital

Balancesum (Bal.) Egenkapital (E.kap.)

Persons: Management Board of directors Member of board of directors

Personer: Direktion Bestyrelse Bestyrelsesmedlem (Best.medl.)

Successor Chairman Liquidator Deputy Chairman Secretary General Manager Proprietor Partners

Efterfølger (Eftf.) Formand (Fmd.) Likvidator Næstformand (Nfmd.) Sekretær (Sekr.) Forretningsfører (Forr.før.) Indehaver Interessenter



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