Kraks Vejviser 1938 Handelsregister

IX — 4272



Fag-Register. Classified Trades —Liste des annonces par ordre des professions —Branchen-Verzeichnis, aiphabetiscli geordnet.




G dynia. Bergtrans. Telegramadresse „Bergtrans1. Maritime Agency, F . G. Reinhold Ltd.

G dyn ia. Polish Shipping Agency, Ltd. P. A. IVI. P. A. M. POLISH SHIPPING AGENCY, Ltd. Steamship Agents GDYNIA DANZIG Swietojanska 10 Hopfengasse 27 Gable: P A M Towarzystwo Ekspedycyjne i Agentura Morska, Ferdynand Prowe Sp. z o. o. • Telegramadr. Prowe. Dampskibsselskaber. Gdynia'. Zegluga Polska, Steamship Owners Telegramadr. Polmorsk.

G dynia.

Telegramadr. „Peinholdus'k. Polskarob Polsko-Skandynawskie Towarzystwo Transportowe S. A, \ „POLSKAROB11

Miejska Kasa Oszczednosci MIEJSKft KftSA OSZCZEDNOSCI CITY SAVINGS BANK. Telegrams: „Kasaoszczednosc-iP Correspondents: Bank Polski, Gdynia; Bank Gosp. Krajow, Gdynia; Komunalny Bank Kredy- towy, Poznan. Banking Business of every description transacted.

Poisko-Skandynawskie Towarzystwo Transportowe S.A. GDYN IA Shipowners, Shipbrokers, Shippers o f coalcargoes and bunkercoal Telegraphic address: ,.POLSKAROB GDYNIA11 Telephonos: Gdynia 2971, 298(.


G'dynia. Stevedoring Ltd. Se Annoncen Side 4271.

An a d v e r t is ém e n t

t in our sections for Foreign Countries represents the most effective and economical method in existence of putting your proposition before th e D an ish Im p o r te r s and E x p o r te r s .

Note: Further information as to charge for insertion furnished on application.



K R A K 8 V E J V IS E R Krak’s Directory ot Merchants, Manufac- turers and Shippers of Denmark and Iceland. / The Publishers: Kraks Legat, 17 Nytorv, Copenhagen K.


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