Kraks Vejviser 1935 Handelsregister


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The Danish State Railways. Direct passenger- and freight-service between the Continent and Denmark via Warnemnnde - Gedser, Padborg and Tander, between Denmark and Sweden via Copenhagen — Malmo and Helsingør — Halsingborg. The Danish TrauvFerryboat „DANMARK**

assuring the service between W a r n e m t t n d e and G e d s e r . H a m b u r g

W a r n e m t t n d e - C o p e n h a g e n S t o e h h o lm O s lo r e j s e b u r e a u „ n o r d e n “ 28, UNTER DEN LINDEN, BERLIN W. 8 Official Tourist Agency of the Danish State Railways. Telegrafic address: „Nordfahrt, Berlin“ . Telephone: A 1 jag er 0606 Free Information as to all subjects connected with Travelling and Tourism.

Through Saloons and Sleeping. Cars

B e r l i n and C o p e n h a g e n -

T O U R IS T OFFICE OF TH E D A N ISH S T A T E = R A I L W A Y S : a t C e n t r a l S t a t i o n , C o p e n h a g e n . | Telegrafic address: „Statsreise“ . ; Telephones: Central 8856, 8876 & 14382. = Free Information as to Travel = in Denmark and Abroad. =

T h e S e a n d i n a v i a n - R o u t e from E n g l a n d to D e n m a r k - N o r w a y - S w e d e n —F i n l a n d v i a H a r w i c h - E s h j e r g D a i l y S e r v i c e (Sunday excepted) Modern, comfortable, speedy Passenger Vessels — Direct Cars and Sleeping Cars | Esbjerg—Copenhagen. Detailed information in: D A N IS H T O U R IS T B U R E A U L td ., 30 Haymarket London S. W. 1

Telegrams: „Danstatur, London1’.


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COPENHAGEN, K. Telegr. Address „ALFRED“

AMALIEGADE 43 Telephone: Central 221


Direct Steamer Connection w eeh ly GOOLE -COPENHAGEN & v i e e v e r s a

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