Kraks Vejviser 1930 Handelsregister

8 vernment and Parliament, foréign countries and other trades. I'he joint organization of the agricultural co-operative sociefies is: „Andelsudvalget“ in whicli are represented the central organization for dairies, slaughteries, egg ex- porters, cåttle exporters, fecd-stuffs purchases, retail co- operative societies etc. Address: Njalsgade 15, Copen­ hagen S., Chairman: L. P. Broberg, Esq., R‘.DM, Industry. The main organization is the “Industriraa- det“ (Industrial Council) address: Vestre Boulevard 18, Copenhagen V., Chairman: Chr. Overgaard, Dr. teehn. R/DM. The object of this institution is to deal with all technical and industrial matters referred to this body, to follow the industrial development at home and abroad and to collect information concerning economical, com- mercial, social and technical questions of interest to in- dustry. Fisheries. The main organization is “Dansk Fiskerifor­ ening (Danish Fisheries association) address: Studiestræ­ de 3, Copenhagen K., Chairman: M. C. Jensens Esq. ML. ? DM. R*. i < Directions for using the „Exporters4’ f section. i 1. List of Firms. The firms are arranged alpliabetically for the respective towns — Copenhagen first and ’ thereafter provincial towns likewise in alphabetical , order. Information is given about the situation of each town, for large towns also particulars as to nurnber of inhabitants, and in the case of ports depth of harbour etc. Within the group for each town (postal address) the particulars respecting the individual firms are given in the following order: ’ a. Name of firm whicli for the large towns is fol- lowed by name of street and nurnber of liouse. oj N o te : The letters to Copenhagen addresses, for e, instance Copenhagen (K), (V) etc. signify postal ; districts and sliould be addcd to the name of the town, for inst. ’ ’ jt 1 Copenhagen K. ag fr

b. Principal articles of export, tlic product design- ations under whicli the firm will be found in the List of Products. c. For soine concerns the telegraphic address, bank- ing references, vear of establishment, details as to articles of export etc. are given. d. In connexion with a. large nurnber of firms the following reference: „See advertisement page...** is given. 2. List of Products. Tn this list of Danish export goods the information concerning the individual firms is given in the following order: a. Name of town. b. Name of firm, whicli for the large towns is fol- name of Street and nurnber of house, in Copenhagen postal address. c. The reference: „See advertisement page . . . . “ will be found in connexion with a large nurnber of firms. 3. Adoertisements. These are arranged according to names of products, for Copenhagen first, pro­ vincial towns following in alphabetical ordcr. The correct way of Consulting the „Exporters* Section. Wlien sccking a Danish article of export this will be found by looking up the English designation for the article in the „List of Products". On pages 45 etc. will be found indexes to goods in English, French, German and Spanish with reference to the nurnber in List of Products If vou wish to know whether the firm exports otlicr goods likely to be of interest to you this can be aseertained by referring to the name of the towns in the „List of Firms“ where the desired information will be found. Where the remark* „ spp adoorfisement page ..* fol- lows the firm name additional information of ad- vantage will doubtless be found on availing oneself of this reference. ( :♦

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